Her Butler, Suspicious

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Whilst Mey-Rin was cleaning the study, she came across a photograph on the desk. When she saw it, she began screaming. The first thing she did was take it and run to find Bard and Finny. It wasn't long before she found them in the back of the manor clearing out the ash from the outside stove.

"Bard! Finny! Look what I found!" she yelled, holding the photo in the air.

They blinked in surprise and turned to her.

"Whoa, calm down, Mey-Rin," Bard said.
"What is it?" Finny asked.
"This! It's scandalous, yes it is!"

She shoved the photo in front of them and their eyes nearly popped out of their skulls. It was Sebastian and Ana together. Sebastian had his hand on his chest and Ana was standing beside him with a soft smile.

"Whoa-ho-ho," Bard grinned. "Now this is juicy!"
Finny smiled. "Awww, they're so cute together!"
Bard then frowned in confusion. "But wait... Is this a photo of Sebastian or is it of Rose?"
Mey-Rin gasped. "What do you mean?"
"Well, someone must have taken the photo," Bard explained.
Finny's eyes widened. "Oh, you're right!"
Mey-Rin held her face. "Either way this makes Rose my rival! What do I do?!"
Bard scratched his head. "So, is this a picture of Sebastian and the person he cares for most is Rose? Or is it a photo of Rose and the person she cares for the most is Sebastian?"

The three of them then spent time trying to figure it out but it wasn't long before Ana joined them. She saw them all huddled together in a group and approached them quietly.

"What are you looking at?"

They jumped in fright, her sudden appearance surprising them. She smiled innocently, trying to see what was in Bard's hand as they all stared at her with questioning glares.

"Rose, there you are!" Mey-Rin said with a serious tone.
Ana held her hands up in defence. "Yes..?"
Bard shoved the photograph in her face. "Care to explain what this means?"

Her eyes widened as she took the photo from him. She completely forgot that it was left on the desk but what shocked her even more was that Sebastian had forgotten about it as well.

"Tell us, Rose," Finny said. "Was the photo taken of you or Sebastian?"
"Well, it-"
"There you all are," came Sebastian's voice.

Ana looked over her shoulder and saw him walking towards them. She held up the photo to him as he came to a stop beside her. Taking it, he realised what was going on. Because his mind was so focused on Ana, he had totally forgotten about the photo on the desk.

"Oi, Sebastian!" Bard yelled. "What's going on here then?"
Sebastian sighed. "Well, it was only a matter of time." He looked at Ana. "Do you want to tell them or shall I?"
"I'll let you tell them," she said.
"Very well." Sebastian smiled before turning to the others. "The truth is that we are somewhat of an item. The three of you have been correct all along."

Ana nodded to confirm that what he was saying was true. They stared at Sebastian and Ana blankly. It was hard to tell if they were telling the truth because they could have easily been joking.

"Oh, and also, since we're being honest here," Ana said, "my name isn't Rose. It's Anastasia."

The three of them looked even more confused, wondering if she was adding to the joke.

"But you guys can call me Ana if you want," she awkwardly added on.

They could literally hear the crickets in their brains and Ana glanced up at Sebastian. He went to them and knocked them all on the head one by one. They yelled from the pain and held their heads. When Sebastian returned to Ana, she crossed her arms and looked at him with a frown.

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