Her Butler, Fulfilling Dreams

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(Apologies for any mistakes. I need to stop writing my chapters at 2am...)

"France?" she repeated.
He smiled. "Indeed. That's where I had been while you were at the spa."
Her eyes widened. "You went to France?!"
"Yes." He closed his eyes and smiled more. "To Provence to be precise."
"You went to Provence and back before I was done at the spa?"
"Of course. It took me less than 15 minutes to travel there and then 15 minutes to return."
She shook her head in disbelief. "That's madness."
He looked at her with a slight tilt of her head. "But why are you so surprised, my dear? You know of my speed."
"I know. I'm simply...amazed." She smiled and bounced on her tiptoes. "So, what were you doing there?"
"I will show you."

Before she could respond, he lifted her bridal style and began running. She held onto him tightly, watching everything whizz past them in a blur. She thought that being an angel, she would be able to see in his perspective but it was something she would have to learn. After only five minutes, they reached the channel between England and France. Sebastian didn't slow down at all and ran across the water like it was nothing. And then minutes later, they were in France.

"Have you ever been to France, my dear?" he asked her.
She shook her head. "Never."
"I will bring you here again another time so you may enjoy the full sights. I would take you to see Paris right now but we simply wouldn't have enough time."
She laughed at the irony. "It's quite alright. I'm simply eager for my surprise."
He smiled. "We will arrive momentarily. Close your eyes."
"I can't see anything anyway."
"He glanced at her from the corner of his eyes. "Anastasia."
She giggled quietly. "Okay, okay."

She closed her eyes and Sebastian was satisfied. Just moments later, he approached their destination and slowed to a stop. It was perfect, just the way he wanted it. The sun had only begun its descent, basking the scenery in a wonderful light. Ana could smell the scent of lavender. The lavender fields of Provence were famous and very well known.

Slowly, Sebastian placed her down to her feet, making sure her eyes were still closed. There was an excitable smile on her face and his own smile only grew. Standing behind her, he wrapped one arm around her waist, his other hand holding her own by her side. Leaning down to her ear, he spoke softly.

"Open your eyes."

And so she did.

The sight was breathtaking

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The sight was breathtaking. Her heart skipped a beat. She couldn't believe the sight before her. It was as if a snapshot of her dream had been taken and created perfectly inch by inch.

"This is... This is..." She breathed out as she gripped Sebastian's hand tighter. "I'm speechless..."
He smiled. "I can never take you to hell and so this is my gift to you. You told me you dreamed of living in a cottage at the south of France, surrounded by fields of flowers. That is the dream I wish to fulfill."

Tears filled her eyes as she took it all in. She couldn't believe he did that for her. There was literally not another building in sight, which made it all the more perfect. She tore her eyes away from the scenery to turn in his embrace and look at him.

Two Steps From Hell | Sebastian MichaelisWhere stories live. Discover now