Her Butler, Too Charming For His Own Good

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(Almost 2 months since I last updated this 😭 I know I've been focusing on my other stories more but I was finding the flow a lot easier with those. Also I've just recently started a new job so we'll see how I do with these updates.)

Sebastian and Ciel had left to the Catholic abbey outside Preston. It had only been about seven hours but Ana was already feeling uncomfortable. Something felt unsettled in her heart. She and the other servants had seen them off before they continued with housework. When she went to her room to rest, that strange sensation began. Even as she tried to get some sleep, she felt restless. There was something about Sebastian going to the abbey that she didn't like.

By the time sunset came, she still hadn't been able to rest. Closing her eyes tight, she tried to see what was happening over there.

'Come on... Come on! Try to think...'

And then she saw something that almost ripped out her heart. She could see Sebastian, Ciel and even Grell speaking to a nun. However, it's not what Sebastian was saying that made her angry. It was what the nun was thinking in her mind. She had such lustful ideas towards Sebastian and that made her feel rage.

She opened her eyes and stared up at the ceiling. "As an angel, I can't exactly allow her to sin."


Sebastian, Ciel and also Grell (unfortunately for Sebastian), had come across a young nun who had called them unclean. Of course Sebastian took the opportunity to gather more information from her and approached the nun. He used his natural charm to try and woo her.

"Unclean? What a bizarre thing to say. I can't believe a lady as beautiful as you is impure."

The nun gasped and blushed softly as she stepped back. She looked up at Sebastian, completely mesmerised by his handsome features.

"We really don't know anything about the religion you practice yet," he said. "Perhaps you would be so kind just to tell us a bit more about yourself."
She continued to blush. "Yes... Um, what are you doing here?"

Sebastian suddenly slammed his hand into the door beside her head making her flinch. He brought his face closer to hers and she gazed into his eyes.

"There was a bug," he whispered.

She gasped. He simply stood up straight again and blew the bug off his glove before looking at her again.

"Now you'll tell me everything I need to know, won't you?"

She looked up at him, her body shaking. It was as if her body was craving him so lustfully and she couldn't handle it. There was so much more she wanted from him but Sebastian had no intention of giving her what she desired.

Before he could continue, he felt an extra presence behind them and instantly knew who it was. She was so silent that none of the others heard her. He turned and saw her determinedly walk over to them, surprising Ciel and Grell.

"Ana?!" Ciel gasped.
Grell growled. "AHH!! What is she doing here?!"
"Anastasia, what are you doing?" Sebastian asked with a frown.

Ignoring them all, she came to a stop in front of the shocked nun, standing between her and Sebastian, before holding her angel blade to her throat. The nun almost let out a scream but she was too shaken to do anything. Sebastian's eyes widened, Ciel and Grell looking absolutely confused.

Ana stared down the nun. "You tell us everything we need to know and I promise that God will shower you with forgiveness and mercy for those sinful thoughts in your head. If not, you can spend all eternity in the flames of Hell. And trust me, I'll be there to enjoy the show. So, what is it going to be?"

Two Steps From Hell | Sebastian MichaelisWhere stories live. Discover now