Her Butler | Promises

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A few hours after the contract between Ciel and Sebastian had been terminated, Sebastian returned to his room. He had completed all of the morning preparations and wanted to spend a little time with Ana and Odette. Upon entering he found both of them wide awake as Odette's giggles filled the room. He smiled and made his way to the bed before sitting down. Odette looked at him with her big eyes and she gave the biggest smile.

"Good morning, my sweetheart," he greeted. "Did you sleep well?"
Ana smiled. "I slept very well indeed."
"I was speaking to Odette."

Ana rolled her eyes and huffed as her lips pouted a little. Sebastian chuckled and held her chin to make her look up at him.

"You look absolutely ravishing this morning, my dear," he spoke smoothly.
He still managed to make her blush and she couldn't hold back her smile. "Thank you."

Now in an even better mood, she got out of bed to get ready for the day, leaving Sebastian to have some time with his daughter. He picked her up from the bed and played with her, forever filling her ears with sweet words. To him, she and her mother were the most perfect creations since the beginning of time. Destroying the contract for their sake was a no-brainer and he would do it all over again.

Once Ana had freshened up, she sat behind Sebastian and lay her head on his back. She knew how much he had given up as well to save their family.

"Are you happy, Malphas?" she asked quietly.
"This is truly the most joy I have felt since I came to be. I have no regrets, Anastasia."
She closed her eyes. "I just-"
"I know what you're going to say," he interjected. "And you have no reason to hold onto any guilt. If anything, breaking the contract has done more good than we could ever have wished for. You've changed me for the better and I love you so much for that." He smiled. "Even if I was given the chance to reform the contract, I would decline. I have never felt more free."

Ana couldn't help but smile as well. She sat up on her knees and wrapped her arms around him from behind, resting her chin on his shoulder. Odette was looking up at her parents and felt nothing but love.

"Thank you," she said quietly before pressing a kiss to his cheek.
"I should be thanking you, my dear. Also, it will be interesting to see Ciel's reaction. I should wake him up soon."
"Leave him. It's the weekend. Let him rest."
Sebastian sighed. "You really do spoil him."
"So?" she questioned nonchalantly before getting off the bed. "Let's go," she said, marching to the door, "I'm hungry."
He chuckled as he placed Odette into her pram. "Your mother's always hungry. You should have seen her when she first arrived. As skinny as a twig."
She looked back at him and shot him a glare. "Excuse you but I was homeless thank you very much."

She huffed dramatically and left the room for Sebastian to follow. He pushed Odette in the pram and followed Ana towards the kitchen. Inside, they found Bard already preparing the breakfast for that morning.

"Hey, good mornin'!"
"Good morning," Ana greeted with a smile.
"Ah, where's our favourite lil princess?" he said excitedly as he went to see Odette. "Well, hello there cutie." Odette smiled widely upon seeing him, recognising his face. "Aww! Well, at least you ain't grumpy like your father, ay?"

Sebastian scowled in annoyance whilst Ana laughed in amusement. She helped herself to some of Bard's cooking while he was playing with Odette.

Suddenly, Sebastian sensed that Ciel was waking up. He looked at Ana and gave a slight nod of his head and she knew that something was up.

"Bardroy, if you would be so kind, we need you to watch over Odette for a few minutes," Sebastian requested.
Bard stood up straight and blinked a couple of times. "Really? Me? You're trusting me to look after Odette?"
"Well, if I had to choose between you, Mey-Rin or Finny, I would have to choose you. You are the best of the worst."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2022 ⏰

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