Her Butler, Maniac

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After Ciel freed Sebastian by summoning him through their contract, together they managed to get onto Lau's ship. Sebastian duelled against Ran-Mao as Ciel confronted Lau, who turned his sword on Ciel. Abberline intercepted in time to take a fatal blow for Ciel and subsequently died from the wound before Ciel's eyes. Sebastian struck a blow at Lau to prevent him from continuing to fight, and escaped from the sinking ship with his master.

He had been away from Ana much longer than he had anticipated due to the drugs being planted in the Funtom Company factory. However, he was finally on his way back. He couldn't wait to see her again and to hear all about her shopping trip. It didn't matter if the incompetent servants were destroying the manor around him, he could look at Ana and listen to her all day long.

Once they reached the manor, they were almost jumped by the other servants. All three of them surrounded Ciel and Sebastian in a panic, all yelling over each other.

Sebastian sighed deeply. "Silence!"

They all stopped at the same time.

Ciel frowned in annoyance. "What is the meaning of this?"
"Did you break something?" Sebastian asked.
Mey-Rin shook her head. "No! This is so much worser, yes it is!"
"It's Ana!" Finny yelled.
Sebastian's eyes widened. "What about her?"
Bard then explained, "Well, she was with us all evening and she seemed quite tired so we sent her to bed. This morning we were waiting for her to have breakfast but she wasn't comin'. So, Mey-Rin went to check on her and she wasn't in the room."
Ciel's brows furrowed. "What?" he gasped. "She's gone?"
"We can't find her anywhere!" Finny said tearily.
"We've searched the entire manor!" Mey-Rin panicked.

Sebastian was trying his utmost not to lose his cool. What he really wanted to do was unleash all hell to find her but that would be the last thing she would want. Everyone looked to him, waiting for him to say something but it was the one time he felt lost.

"Excuse me," was all he said.

And then he walked away from them. It was the first time Ciel had seen him react in such a way but he knew he needed to be alone. Sebastian made his way to the servants quarters and went straight to his room. Upon entering, the room was completely still. Where he should have found Ana resting was just an empty bed. He found the note he had left for her on her bedside table so he knew she had read it. Standing in the middle of the room, he held his chin and went into deep thought.

'I know you wouldn't have left on your own accord. Even if you did, you would have left a note for me. That means you were taken. And I know exactly who took you.' He closed his eyes. 'I cannot sense you to find you, which means there is only one place they could have taken you.'

His eyes opened again and they were glowing pink. A smile grew across his lips, bearing his fangs as a quiet laughter rumbled in his throat. His nails grew sharp like claws, his head tilting back as he laughed more. Despite it being morning, the room was plunged into darkness, his deep, dark, maniacal laughter growing and echoing across the room.

They had taken her to the one place he couldn't go to save her.



Ana was surrounded by beauty all around her. Everything was calm and she felt so happy. She couldn't feel pain nor sadness. It was pure peace. Nothing could go wrong.

Her magnificent wings were spread, fluttering gently behind her. But as happy as she was, she felt wrong. She knew she wasn't meant to be there. She didn't want to be there. She didn't know how long she had been sitting in that level of heaven. The time that passed was like a passing breeze that took an eternity. Placing her hand on her stomach, she felt her bump. Her child was safe.

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