Her Butler, Final Decision

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Ever since he was created, Malphas made his way through life by commanding his armies of hell as the Prince and Satan's second in command. Helpless beings would sell their souls in exchange for momentary power and pleasure and he would feast always. He didn't care for soulmates nor children because he simply found it foolish. He was a powerful demon. Nothing would ever satisfy his desires. All he ever wanted was to feed off innocent humans. However, those souls became boring, their taste bland.

And then came along Ciel. The purest, most delicious soul. His scent was a tease. The moment Ciel called for help in exchange for his soul, he went to him in the form of a butler. As Sebastian. He followed his orders, keeping the boy safe so that one day he could reap his reward and feed upon the pure soul. He would be satisfied for centuries to come.

But then something happened he never prepared for. Something he had never come across ever before. Anastasia. She was different, forcing her way into his simple life and making it a misery. And then the unthinkable happened - he fell in love. With an angel. And got her pregnant. And vowed to spend eternity with her. After they were forced apart, she became human and with that, she had gained a soul.

He had never told her but her soul was not only pure and smelled extremely euphoric to the point that he had to control himself around her. Her soul, for a human, was powerful. More powerful than any human there ever was or ever would be. Her soul would be able to keep him satisfied for millennia.

And she was offering it to him.

Sebastian looked her in the eyes as she awaited a response. He could see her desperation to protect Ciel. He knew how much she wanted him to have a future, to get married and to have his own family.

He sighed. "It's not possible."
"Why not? Just alter the contract."
"I can't do that."
"Yes, you can. Contract rules state that either all parties must agree to a change, or a suitable replacement of payment must be in place. I would be the replacement."
His brows furrowed as he looked at her in surprise. "How did you know that?"
"I didn't. But you just confirmed that I was right," she said with a smug smile.
He sighed again. "You've always been too intelligent for your own good."
"Well? You can change it."
"The pain would be excruciating."
"I've been through pain. I can handle it."
"Not like this. You are no longer an angel, therefore, your pain threshold will be considerably lower."
"I can take it," she said desperately.
"You would be trapped in hell."
"I'm going to hell with you anyway so it doesn't make a difference."
"You would become a demon."
"You're a demon, too."
"Yes, but it would take a few centuries for you to become one. I cannot put you through that."
"But you can put a child through it?"
He slightly narrowed his eyes at her. "Who put you up to this?"
She raised a brow. "No one. I wish to take his place."
"And what about Odette?" he asked, causing her heart to pang. He gently took hold of her hands. "She needs you. She needs you a hell of a lot more than she needs me."

Ana looked at their daughter. She was sleeping so peacefully. Already she had lost her first months of life without her father and the last thing she wanted was to make her live centuries without a mother. Especially while she was still a baby.

She sighed softly, closing her eyes. "You're right... Oh, my goodness..." She hid her face in her hands and shook her head. "I am such a terrible mother..."
"No, you're not." He took her hands again and moved them down. "You're selfless. The most selfless being I have seen in my lifetime. I know you, Anastasia. You would save everyone in the world if you could and I love that so much about you."
She lifted her gaze to meet his dark red eyes. "Then there's really nothing I can do..?" she asked in a whisper.
He could see the pain in her eyes. "I'm sorry."

Tears welled up in her eyes as it truly hit her that there was nothing she could do for Ciel. It even hurt Sebastian to see how much pain it was causing her. He gently pulled her towards him, wrapping his arms around her as he cradled her in his lap.

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