Her Butler, Possessive

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(The gif has nothing to do with the chapter but someone tell me what this is from because my ovaries have exploded 😍 just when I thought Sebby couldn't get any hotter.)

There was a string of murders in London. Ciel was requested by the queen to aid Scotland Yard to solve the case and to put an end to all of the murders. For that, he had to go to London and stay within the townhouse. Usually, only Sebastian would go with him but that time he decided to take the rest of the servants with him.

Ana didn't know if Sebastian had requested it or not but she was grateful. If Sebastian had to go away for a while, she would have surely missed him as he would have missed her. Especially with the condition she was in, he couldn't possibly just leave her behind.

Whilst Ciel and Sebastian went out to investigate, Ana and the others stayed in the house. They gave it a quick tidy up to make sure it was all clean. While Finny and Mey-Rin saw to the stock levels in the pantry, Bard and Ana began dinner preparations.

"We should make something special for dinner, don't you think?" Bard said. "It's not often the young master brings us to the city."
"That sounds great!" Ana said excitedly. "What do you feel like making, Mr. Chef?"
Bard tapped his chin. "Hmm, I don't really know. Sebastian usually tells me what to make."
Ana thought of what they could prepare. "What about a Shepard's Pie? It's delicious and it's quite easy to make."
"Perfect!" he grinned. "It's no wonder Sebastian took a liking to you."
She laughed. "Well, I-..."

She suddenly became extremely dizzy, almost losing her balance. She quickly held onto the counter as she began to fall. Bard's eyes widened and he quickly grabbed her by the shoulders.

"Ana, are you alright?!" he asked in a panic.

She lifted her hand to her head as she closed her eyes. It was the baby again, she could feel it. It was as if it was drawing from her own energy to stay alive.

"I... I'm fine." She shook it off and looked at the worried chef with a smile. "Just a dizzy spell. Let's begin cooking."
"I ain't gonna let you cook in this state. You need to lie down."
"I'll be fine, Bard. Honestly," she said, trying to convince him.
However, he was having none if it. "No way in hell." He pushed her towards the door. "You're not allowed back in here until Sebastian says so. Now go and lie down or else I'll use my flamethrower."
She laughed at his attempt to blackmail her. "Okay, fine. I'm going," she said as she left.

Bard grinned in victory before returning to the kitchen. She made her way to Sebastian's room and sighed, laying down on the bed.

Placing her hand on her stomach, she closed her eyes. "Do what you need to. Take as much as you need from me. Just please stay alive..."


Ana woke up as she felt something brush against her cheek. Slowly opening her eyes, she saw Sebastian softly smiling down at her.

She returned the smile. "When did you return?"
"Last night. You've been asleep for a long time. Bard informed me that you were feeling dizzy."
"Yes, but I'm fine now." She pushed herself to sit up. "It's just the pregnancy."
Sebastian sighed. "Perhaps marking you wasn't the best action to take. I apologise."
"No. Your intentions were there but we're going to get something so much more beautiful from it."
"Then I suppose I should also tell you that the wait will be a long one. Demon offspring take two years to form before they are ready to be birthed."
Her eyes widened. "Two years?! I'm going to be pregnant for two years?!"
He nodded with an innocent smile. "Yes, but if you think about it, two years is but a speck on a demon or an angel's lifetime."
She breathed out deeply. "I suppose... I know it will be worth the wait."
"You truly live up to your status as an angel."
She frowned at him. "Don't even go there."

Two Steps From Hell | Sebastian MichaelisWhere stories live. Discover now