Her Butler, Confused

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(Yay! Finally updated. Also, apologies for any mistakes. It's 4am 👀)

Her vision went dark. She was floating in a void of nothingness. There was no pain. But she knew she was alive.


Her eyes shot open and she was surrounded by white light. As her vision slowly cleared, all she could see was shelves and more shelves of hundreds of thousands of books. It was like the biggest library she had ever seen.


She thought she was alone. She quickly sat up only to see Angela sitting on a bench with a frustrated scowl on her face. Not only that but she had wings. Laying on a separate bench was Ciel. He was unconscious. Ana looked at Angela in confusion as she made her way to stand up.

'Is she an angel..? Is that why I've always been so weary of her?'

"How are you here?" Angela asked forcedly, her eyes narrowed into a glare.

Nothing was making sense to her. One moment she was being abused by her captors but before she fell unconscious, she saw Angela in the room.

'Why was she there? Was she the one making me see those things? But how did I get here?'

Angela's eyes suddenly widened. She knew that Ana was an archangel but her wings were magnificent. It made her own wings seem so small in comparison and she couldn't help but feel a little jealous. But it didn't matter anyway. Her surprise turned to a smirk. 'She won't have those wings for much longer. After all, that was the collective goal of the angels when I stole Anastasia from heaven. Her wings may be taking up the width of the library but they will mean nothing in the near future.'

Ana didn't even realise her wings were open. She was staring down Angela trying to figure out what was happening. However, her thoughts were diverted when Ciel began to stir. He held his head as he sat up before looking at his surroundings. He was shocked at where he was. He didn't recognise it at all.

"So, you're awake now?" Angela spoke softly, resting her cheek on her hand.
Ciel gasped and looked at her. "Really. It was you. Angela Blanc." He then noticed Ana and his eyes widened. "Ana? What are you doing here?"
Ana felt frozen. "I... I'm not so sure myself..."
"How did you enjoy the record of your past?" Angela spoke again, gaining Ciel's attention again. "Did it feel like being wrapped in soft velvet? Or perhaps sandpaper against your skin?"
"Shut up!" he shouted. "The hand I saw... That hand was his! My father's hand." He glared at her. "You killed them, didn't you? But why?!" He stood from the bench and faced her. "Why did you kill my parents?! What did you stand to gain?!"

Ana's heart dropped. Had Ciel truly found out who killed his parents?

"Killed?" Angela questioned as if it was the most absurd thing she had ever heard. "What a disturbing thing to say. I'm not the only one who harmed your parents. But you know that. Don't you?" She smirked eerily. "It was your butler. No... It was you, wasn't it? It was you who gave them their second death."

Ana was just as lost as she was before. She could see the pain in Ciel's eyes but she couldn't seem to move. She couldn't understand why she couldn't just stand before him and keep him shielded. Angela laughed.

"You're rather brilliant. In the face of such a distorted past, you somehow managed to remain sane." She stood up and faced him.
Ciel was in shock. "How could you..?"
Angela's wings spread out, a few feathers falling. "You are a truly unclean human." She flew up before gliding down in front of him. "But...underneath all of those impurities, there's a glow. It would be such a shame to extinguish." She leaned down as she held his chin and wrapped her wings around them. "Well, Ciel. Shall I alter your unsightly, impure past for you? Would that help you find peace at last?"
Ciel pushed away from her. "Nice try! But you're the reason I'm impure!"

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