Her Butler, Sailing

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Ana was extremely excited. She had never been on a ship before. When Sebastian found that out, he obviously hinted it to Ciel who obviously invited her along. Although they weren't going for leisure purposes, the look on Ana's face when they told her she would be joining them was absolutely priceless.

They were currently waiting to board the ship on the port. The other servants were with them but they would be returning to manor. The only other servant joining them was Snake but Ana was glad because his snakes were so adorable. She looked upon the Campania. It was truly grand and unlike anything she had seen before. The port was crowded with people and Ana was more than excited to experience it.

"I've never been on a ship before!" she gasped as she clasped her hands together and bounced on her toes. She gazed at the ship in awe. "It's so big!"
Sebastian smirked and leaned down to whisper in her ear. "Isn't that what you said to me the first time we made love?"
She blushed deeply as she glared at him. "Quiet!" she seethed before slyly nudging his side with her elbow. "And I'm pretty sure I asked how you hid it."

He laughed quietly in amusement, which only made her frown at him. But it was gone seconds later. The thought of being on a ship was making her all giddy. Sebastian had even made her another dress since it was a special occasion for her.

She would have been happy to go in her maid uniform since there were going to be a lot of upper class people there

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She would have been happy to go in her maid uniform since there were going to be a lot of upper class people there. However, since Ciel liked her so much, he insisted that she treat it as a holiday. She knew Sebastian would have duties to attend to due to the case and she would have loved to enjoy it with him. But she would spend as much time with him as possible. A man soon came to take their ticket, which Sebastian handed over.

"First class suites A-66 and A-67, please," he said. One of the suites was for Ana.
Ciel stepped towards the ship. "The so-called 'Ship of Dreams'. The majestic star liner's staked its entire future on this Trans-Atlantic luxury liner. They have much to lose."

After Sebastian made it specifically clear that the servants were to stick to their duties, they bid their farewells as it was time for them to board. Ciel walked up the ramp.

"Now then. Let's be off."

Ana literally ran up the ramp to the ship, darting past  Sebastian, Ciel and Snake. She was simply too excited. She navigated her way through the corridor and made her way up to the deck. Her breath was taken away. She was completely fascinated by everything, like a child in a sweet shop who had consumed way too much sugar. Her eyes were sparkling and she felt so high up. Holding onto the rail, she waved at the other servants who were just as happily waving back. The horns blared and the ship set sail on its voyage.

Ciel, Sebastian and Snake finally reached where Ana was standing. Sebastian smiled, absolutely adoring the way she was behaving.

"There you are," he said. "Are you enjoying yourself?"
She turned to them with the brightest smile. "Yes, very much so."

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