Her Butler, On Vacation

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"An angel?" Ciel questioned. "Are you sure?"
"As sure as I can be."
"Then why did it take you so long to figure it out?"
"That I'm not so sure about." Sebastian held his chin and thought deeply. "If you recall I initially had a disliking towards her. It's natural for demons and angels to repel one another."
"Yet you both fell in love."
"Yes, it is rather odd. Even knowing she's an angel, I don't despise her."
Ciel raised a brow. "Do you still love her?"
Sebastian smiled. "With all my heart."
"I didn't realise you were so concerned about my love life, young master," Sebastian commented with a slight smirk.
"I just don't want any tension in the manor." Ciel closed his eyes. "I half expected you to dump her for being an angel."
"Only a human would be so cruel. Whether she be human, angel or demon, she's still very much mine."
"You truly are loyal." Opening his eyes again, Ciel looked back up at him. "Does she know?"
"I doubt it. There seems to be something that is concealing her powers."
"Are going to tell her?"
"That is where I find myself to be in bit of a predicament." Sebastian sighed before smiling gently. "However, you shouldn't concern yourself over this. I will soon figure something out."
Ciel took another sip of his tea. "Why don't you take Anastasia on a vacation? You can stay at the country estate for the weekend."
Sebastian was visibly surprised by his suggestion. "Master-"
"There's nothing for you to do here," Ciel cut him off before looking at him. "At least for now anyway. Bard, Finny and Mey-Rin can handle one weekend without you." He then smirked. "I think you and Anastasia deserve it. I know you will come if I'm in danger but there's nothing happening for the time being. So, go. That's an order."
Sebastian smiled and bowed with his hand on his chest. "You are too kind."


After Ciel fell asleep, Sebastian took time out of his nightly routine to visit Ana. Like every other night, he entered her room but only this time, he found her awake. She was sitting up in bed and reading a book. She was so engrossed in it that she didn't even look up as Sebastian sat beside her. He didn't say anything. It was lovely for him to see her concentrating on something. Whenever she was deep in concentration, she would stick her tongue to the side and there would be a small crease between her brows. It was one of the many things he loved about her.

Whilst she was reading, he lay down on his back and closed his eyes. As much as he enjoyed her reading, he still wanted her attention and the only way to do that was to pretend to sleep. It was only then that Ana's eyes darted to the side to look at him. Her brows furrowed together in confusion as she placed the book down on her lap.

"Sebastian," she called, but he didn't respond. "Sebastian?" Putting the book to the side, she turned to him and shook his arm. "Sebastiaaan." She then squeezed his cheeks. "Sebby?" When he still didn't respond, she pinched his nostrils closed. "I know you're not asleep because you told me that you don't sleep."
"Very good, my dear," he spoke with a nasally voice before opening his eyes to look at her. "You listen."
She giggled and let go of his nose. "Of course I do." She lay down on her side beside him. "But pretending to sleep simply to get my attention was cute. You didn't want to disturb me but you were impatient so you did something that you never do, knowing it would draw me away from the book."
He smirked softly and turned to his side to face her. "You already know me so well. It's almost frightening."
"Nothing should scare you though."
He cupped her cheek and brushed his thumb across it. "I'm scared of losing you, Anastasia."

Her eyes widened a little at his confession. It was hard to believe that the Prince of Hell was afraid of anything at all. Of course it was only logical that all beings should be afraid of something for fear is what kept them going. Still, she couldn't quite believe it.

She shook her head. "You're not going to lose me. Not ever." She then blushed softly. "I love you."
Sebastian smiled at her words. "And I love you, my dear."

Two Steps From Hell | Sebastian MichaelisWhere stories live. Discover now