Her Butler, Being Responsible

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Ana stared at Sebastian in disbelief. She was confused. A mix of emotions overwhelmed her to the point that she didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Sebastian wasn't one to experience many emotions but he knew how she was feeling.

Tears welled up in her eyes as she clutched into his clothes tighter. "I'm pregnant?" she whispered.
"Yes," he answered simply.
"I'm hav-... There's... Our..." She took a deep breath and started again. "So, what you're saying is," she spoke slowly, "that our baby is inside me...but my body is rejecting it?"
He also heaved a sigh. "That is correct."
She gazed deep into his eyes. "But why..?"
He gently held her face. "My dear, you are an angel. I am a demon. Your body is trying to rid the demon half of the child. However, at the same time your body wishes to protect it. It's natural. Your body is in a turmoil."
"I can't believe this..." She turned her head away and closed her eyes. "I've aborted my pregnancy three times before because I didn't want to birth them. And the one child I want is the one my own body is trying to kill."
He held her chin and turned her to face him. "This is not your fault. It is the first time in my lifetime that something like this has occurred so not even I could have foretold this."
She opened her eyes to look at him with tear filled eyes. "This is meant to be something to be joyful about. This isn't the way I wanted to feel upon finding out that I'm carrying your child."
He smiled softly and stroked her cheek with his thumb. "I know you can make it through. I believe the child is strong. Your body will become used to the foreign entity, I'm sure of it."
"Really?" she asked with hope as she brushed her fingers through his hair. "You trust me that much?"
"Without a doubt. I want nothing more than to see the smile on your face." His own smile grew. "Smile, my dear. We're going to be parents."

When Sebastian put it like that, she wouldn't have been able to hold back her smile even if she wanted to. Her face lit up with her smile and tears of joy replaced the sad ones. He was right. It was sooner than she expected but they were going to become parents.

She lay her head on his shoulder. "Never in my life did I ever think I would be so happy about being pregnant."
He smiled, placing his hand on the back of her head. "Never in my life did I ever want a child until I found you."
"Well, technically, I found you."
"If we're going by technicality, then technically you forced your way into my life. And I could not be more grateful."

He closed his eyes and sighed. That is how he wanted Anastasia to be. Happy. No qualms or concerns. She wanted nothing to do with heaven nor the angels but the fact remained that she was one. There was an angel missing from heaven and that angel was her. The 'master' in the tower claimed to have stolen an angel from heaven.

'It must be Anastasia he was speaking of. But why..? And only an angel can enter heaven, so that must mean-'

"Sebastian," she called, taking him out of his thoughts as she lifted her head. "I was thinking it will be best to keep this hidden for now."
He smiled at her softly. "Of course." But then his smile disappeared. "I didn't believe the mark I placed inside you would impregnate you so quickly..."
Her brows furrowed in confusion. "Mark?"
"The night we made love before you knew that you're an angel, I ejaculated inside you. Do you recall?"
She blushed deeply and turned away in embarrassment. "Yes."
"It was to mark you so the angels would be deterred from your scent should they ever try to search for you," he explained. "Even if they did find you, you would be considered impure."
She looked at him again. "So, you were protecting me? What's so bad about that?" She smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck. "This is the happiest I've ever been in my entire life. Are you not happy?"
"Very much so." Bringing her hand to his lips, he kissed it. "However, I will only be satisfied once you, our child and I are together in France."

Ana couldn't help but smile even more. The pregnancy was sudden and only brought up more questions but she was happy to save those for another time. All she wanted was to enjoy that moment with him as he embraced her tightly. On the other hand, Sebastian was concerned. There was no doubt that he was happy but the fact remained that someone was out there who was linked to her being taken out of heaven. That someone could pose a threat to her and their newly conceived child. The man was clearly mad and Sebastian worried that the man would be capable of anything.

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