Her Butler, Murdered

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About 11 o'clock that evening, the atmosphere of the party had become more relaxed. However, Sebastian wasn't happy that Ana had been on her feet all day and evening. He joined her at the table where she was taking all of the empty plates.

"Anastasia, my dear," he called. "I think you've done enough now."
She smiled and looked at him as she put all the plates on a tray. "I'm fine. I'm not tired at all."
He took the tray from her hands, ignoring her resistance. "You may not be tired but this pregnancy will become extremely draining on you before you even realise. It would please me to see you take a break."
"Please, Anastasia."
She sighed. "Fine. I will take my break in the kitchen."
He smiled. "Very well. I shall meet you there later."

When she saw no one was looking, she quickly tiptoed and pecked his lips, which he happily accepted. He watched her leave the room and sighed in relief. She may not have been admitting it but he could tell she was getting worn out. Her strength with the pregnancy had improved but the baby was still draining her energy. He wondered if he had made the right choice in not telling her the truth of what was to happen later. But he knew how much of a terrible actress she was so he had to keep it hidden from her. He simply hoped she would forgive him.

Georg von Siemens had fallen asleep in one of the chairs after getting completely drunk. Sebastian carried him to his room and even Ciel had decided to retire for the night. Soon after, Sebastian joined Ana and the other servants in the kitchen and he was happy to find that the others weren't letting her do any work.

"But, Sebastian, at least allow me do wash the dishes," she requested.
He simply shook his head as he took off his tailcoat and hung it up. "No."

She pouted as she sat with her face in her hands at the table while she watched them all work. However, it wasn't long before one of the bells rang. It came from Georg von Siemens's room. It was quite late, the clock showing just a couple of minutes past 1am and Mey-Rin didn't want to go up.

"It's Georg von Siemens's room," she cowered.
"Probably woke up with a splitting headache and wants some water," Bard said.
"I don't want to go! The man was parring all over me earlier!"
Sebastian put down the cloth he was folding. "I'll come with you."
"Ohh!" she blushed as she clasped her hands together. "You're worried about me, Sebastian? That's awfully kind of you."
"No, actually it's our guest I'm concerned about."
Ana stood from her seat. "Which means he's also concerned about you as well, Mey-Rin, but he doesn't like to admit it."
Sebastian frowned at her. "That's enough out of you. Come. I'd rather you stay where I can see you."
"Very well. We all may as well go together."

They left the kitchen and made their way to Georg's room. Ana soon realised why Sebastian wanted her to accompany them. With the heavy clouds and rain came rumbles of thunder along with it. She was afraid of thunder and lightning and he didn't want her to be without him.

Upon arriving at the room, he lightly knocked on the door. "Georg von Siemens? You rang for assistance?"

Suddenly, they heard a smash come from inside the room followed by Georg's pained scream. They all gasped in horror and Ana immediately gripped onto Sebastian's arm. She still wasn't as brave as she thought she was.

"Are you alright in there, sir?! We heard a crash!" Mey-Rin yelled.

She tried to open the door but it was locked from the inside. She then tried banging on the door.

"Georg von Siemens!"

Soon, Charles Grey, Arthur, Lau, Ran Mao, Grimsby, Irene, Patrick and Karl joined them after hearing all the commotion.

"What are you doing to that door?" Charles asked. "What's all the fuss?"
Sebastian moved Ana to one side before stepping up to the door. "Stand back. I'll handle this."

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