Her Butler, Delicious Lover

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(It's 3.30am here 😴 so sorry for any mistakes)

With Sebastian's "funeral" ending on a celebratory note, Ciel gave everyone the night off simply because he wanted to sleep. He even gave Sebastian the night off - not because he wanted Sebastian to have the night off but because he wanted Ana to have time with him.

Once Sebastian had put Ciel into bed, he returned to his own bedroom. He entered to find Ana reading a book she had taken from the library. He smiled as he took off his tailcoat and waistcoat before removing his tie and shoes. Ana was so engrossed into her book that she didn't even look at him as he climbed in beside her.

He watched her read and it was the most stunning sight. Strands of hair that had come loose from her low bun fell down the side of her face. One hand lay lightly atop the the pages of the book, trailing down with each line she read, her other hand absentmindedly twirling the strands of hair. He watched as her eyes trailed across the page, her lips softly mouthing certain words, the corners lifting every so often from reading something of humour in the story. The small beauty mark under the corner of her lips accentuated the natural plumpness of her lips and he became so tempted to kiss her.

"Anastasia?" he called softly.

She quickly held up her index finger, signalling for him to wait a few seconds as she finished the sentence. He rolled his eyes and waited for her to finish. Once she was done, she closed her book and looked at him.

"Yes?" she asked with a smile.

He didn't say anything. He simply held her chin before leaning in and capturing her lips with his own. Ana's breath was taken away, her eyes closing as she instantly melted into the kiss. He didn't bother asking for permission and pushed his tongue into her mouth as he moved his hand to hold the back of her head. She let out an involuntary whine as he twirled his tongue around hers.

Ana was no longer embarrassed in front of him. She no longer felt like an animal. In fact, he made her feel so beautiful and she wanted nothing more than to please him.

As they parted, a string of saliva stretched between their lips. It was literally Ana's drool due to his kiss. He slowly licked her lips, cleaning up her drool as he smirked at her hazed expression. His eyes were glowing. He was no longer Sebastian the butler, but Malphas the Prince of Hell.

"Well?" he asked, using his deep, demonic voice.
She blinked. "I..." She breathed out shakily as her blush deepened. "I..."
He stroked his thumb across her cheek. "Yes?"
"I want to taste you..."

His eyes widened a little in surprise but he was pleasantly surprised by her confession. In all the times they had made love, he would often eat her out and guzzle down her liquids because she enjoyed it so much. Also, he enjoyed it a lot too. However, she had never tasted him.

"Is that so?" He chuckled darkly. "I never knew an angel could sin so much."
"I've been having sex with the Prince of Hell for months and I'm carrying his baby. This is nothing." She leaned forward and sensually kissed his lips before pulling away again. "Please? Just a little taste?"
"Of course..." He gently held her face. "So long as you don't swallow."

As soon as she uttered the word, his lips crashed back onto hers. She was completely overtaken by his kiss as her hand went down to his trousers. She could feel the bulge of his penis. How he kept it hidden was beyond her. He was big. Way bigger than any man who had ever raped her. They would have felt like matchsticks compared to his size.

Her fingers swiftly undid the button and zip of his pants but before she knew it, his clothes were already gone. She parted from the kiss and raised a brow.

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