Her Butler, Family Reunion

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It was safe to say that Ana was freaking out. Satan was in Odette's nursery and she was just super glad that Sebastian returned when he did. Sebastian turned to face him as Ana stayed behind him. Lucifer stood there with a smile.

"What? Not happy to see me, son?"
Sebastian continued to talk as Malphas. "You could have at least told me you would be dropping by."
Lucifer laughed. "Yes, but I knew you would say no. Besides, I'm here to see my granddaughter and, of course, my precious daughter-in-law."

Ana gripped onto Sebastian's clothes from behind, the kitten now jumping out of her arms before escaping the room. Sebastian glanced over his shoulder.

"It's alright. He's in his human form," he assured her.

Ana peeked out from behind him, not knowing what to expect. But as Sebastian said, there was a human standing there. Obviously due to the disguise, he looked to be the same age as Sebastian but she was glad she couldn't see his true form.

She awkwardly smiled and waved. "O-oh, hello...f-father..."
Lucifer smiled. "Well, we finally meet. And what an honour it is." He bowed in a flamboyant manner before standing again. "My son has told me all about you and I admit, I have taken a liking to you." He casually walked towards them. "Despite being an archangel of heaven, you turned away. You're just like me."
"Not really... I mean, you are the doer of evil and you love bad things. And although I did turn away from heaven, I cannot turn to evil."

Sebastian was surprised that she just spoke back to his father but he couldn't help but smirk. If anyone could talk back to the devil it would be her. Lucifer looked at her for a few seconds before laughing.

"And now I like you even more. It's no wonder my son fell for you." He chuckled. "When he first told me he had fallen for an angel, I thought he'd gone completely mad but he was relentless."
Sebastian sighed deeply. "Father, you're embarrassing me."
Ana giggled. "Well, if it's any assurance, I gave up my status as angel. I am now human."
Lucifer was surprised. "Really? Now that is interesting." He looked at his son. "Maybe now you can bring her to hell."
"Oh, that's right," Sebastian said before looking at Ana. "Would you like to go?"
"Um, yes... But not right now," she replied timidly. She then looked at the devil. "No offence."
"None taken." He looked down at Odette as she cooed softly and it made him smile. "Well, aren't you the most adorable little spawn?"

Ana awkwardly coughed and shifted on her feet. Sebastian recalled how she got upset when he once called their future children 'spawn'. However, she didn't say anything and let Satan have his moment as Odette took to him really well. Her eyes were glowing pink as she gurgled cutely.

"That's correct. I'm your grandfather." He chuckled darkly. "It's about time your father starting having children." He looked at Ana. "After all the humans and demons Malphas has bedded, he finally chose someone to have children with."
Ana smiled blankly. "How... interesting."
Sebastian deadpanned feeling incredibly annoyed. "Thank you for that."
Lucifer looked at his son and held out his hands. "May I hold her?" he asked, even though his politeness was just an act.

Sebastian glanced at Ana. First of all, he was annoyed that his father had come and ruined his family reunion. And now he was just being a pain. Ana gave him a nod. She never thought she would ever trust the devil with her child but she was his granddaughter.

Satan rolled his eyes. "Come on, Malphas. I'm not going to run away with her."
Sebastian sighed. "Very well."

He handed Odette over to him and he was actually really careful with her. Odette giggled as she made adorable sounds, cooing up at him as if she was trying to talk. Ana gripped onto Sebastian's arm but he placed his other hand over hers to reassure her.

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