Her Butler, At A Crossroads

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Ana woke up extra early the next day to make Ciel's favourite breakfast; pancakes with a little lemon and sugar. (I'm making this up because I literally have no idea.) Sebastian entered the kitchen holding a sleeping Odette in one arm. Ana had asked him to look after her and left their room before he even had the chance to ask where she was going.

"So, this is what you're doing," Sebastian spoke with a gentle smile.
Ana looked up at him as she plated the final pancake. "Yes. I told Ciel I was going to prepare his favourite breakfast."
He went and stood beside her as she drizzled on the lemon and sugar. "It won't be good for his teeth first thing in the morning."
"I know but..." She sighed softly. "He doesn't have much time left on earth. It's the least I can do for him."

Sebastian knew she was sad that he would eventually be taking Ciel's soul but the contract was binding. The contract couldn't be broken. If he could, he would have voided the contract only for her.

He leaned down and pressed a kiss to the top of her head. "Very well. Have you made the tea?"
She smiled again and nodded. "Yes, it's all done."
He brushed his thumb across her cheek. "You've always been a natural."
"Indeed I am. Do you remember how frustrated you used to get when I first began working here?"
He chuckled softly. "I do. Now that time feels like a lifetime ago." He pulled out his pocket watch to check the time. "I shall wake up the young master now. I'll leave Odette with you and inform him that breakfast is served."

Ana took Odette from him and held her in her arms. Sebastian loaded the breakfast she had made onto a tray and they both made their way out of the kitchen to the dining room. He placed the tray on the table in front of Ciel's usual seat before going and pulling another chair out for Ana to sit. He tucked it under her as she sat down before leaving the room.

Ana looked down at Odette as she slept peacefully. She gently stroked her pink chubby cheek as she thought about the future. It seemed that whenever she was left alone with her thoughts, that was all she could think about. Ciel's soul was going to go through literal hell and the sweet boy would eventually become a creature of hell. Meanwhile, she would be living until old age since Sebastian wasn't going to let her die any sooner. It was unfair. It was cruel.

She was brought out of her thoughts when Sebastian returned with Ciel. Ciel took his seat at the head of the table and naturally smiled upon seeing Odette. Looking up at Ana, his smile remained.

"Good morning."
"Good morning, Ciel. How was your sleep?"
"I slept very well, thank you."

After Ana visited him the night before, he slept peacefully and woke up refreshed. Having her back in the manor brought a sense of light back into his home. Even though she wasn't an angel anymore, she still had an angelic aura surrounding her.

Sebastian then removed the silver lid from the plate in front of Ciel. "For breakfast, Anastasia has prepared your favourite of pancakes with lemon and sugar."
Ciel's eyes almost sparkled. "You didn't have to go through all this trouble for me."
Ana smiled. "I know, but I promised you last night. Besides I wanted to make it for you."
Ciel smiled ever so slightly. "Thank you, Ana."
"It's no problem at all."
"Have you eaten?"
She nodded. "Yes, I have."

Ciel happily ate his pancakes. It had been such a long time since he had eaten pancakes for breakfast and he loved the way Ana made them. Sebastian poured the tea for Ciel before going to stand beside Ana.

"You have a busy day ahead of you, my lord. After breakfast we shall begin with your music lesson followed by fencing."
Ana looked up at him with a slight pout. "Seriously?"
He smiled down at her. "We have been away for a long time and the young master has a lot to catch up on."
Ciel took another bite of his food. "Yes, yes, very well. I suppose everything is back to normal. What's next on the agenda?"
"After lunch you have a meeting with a journalist," Sebastian continued. "They will be asking you about the rebuilding of the Funtom Company. And then Miss Elizabeth will be joining us for tea."
Ana gasped happily. "Miss Elizabeth is coming today? How exciting!"
Sebastian chuckled softly. "Yes. She isn't aware of your return so it will surely be a pleasant surprise for her."
"I can't wait."
"Speaking of surprises," Ciel spoke. "Bard! Mey-Rin! Finny! Tanaka!"

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