Her Butler, Competing

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Since Sebastian would be competing against Agni, he had to make sure that his curry would be the absolute best in the competition. While he prepared the curries to practice, he placed Ana on top of the counter simply to keep him company. She didn't mind at all though. She enjoyed watching him work and she had already finished all of her own duties. It didn't take him very long at all and he had finished cooking close to about 50 curries in a matter of minutes.

He had asked the prince to taste the curries he had prepared so that he could choose the best one. When Soma saw the number of pans that were spread out for him to taste, he was completely shocked. Ana giggled to herself as she saw the look on the Prince's face.

"You, uh... You made all these curries by yourself, huh..."
Sebastian smiled. "Yes. You're the only one on the estate who's ever tasted Agni's curry before. I'd like you to perform a taste test for me," he said as he ladled a spoonful of the first curry onto a plate. "Which one should we use to defeat your butler?"
Soma gasped. "Yes. Okay, I will. If I can repay your kindness by eating curry, I will eat as much as you want me to."
"Thank you. I appreciate it."
"I'll do it for Mina and Agni," he said with determination.

Sebastian then went and stood beside Ana as they watched Soma taste all of the curries. From the looks of it, he was finding them to be extremely delicious but he continued to move to the next one each time.

"Just watching him eat so much is making me feel nauseous..." she said quietly.
Sebastian turned to face her. "Are you in pain?" he asked.
She shook her head. "No. Please don't worry." She smiled softly and held his face. "If I'm in pain, I will tell you."
He breathed a sigh of relief. "Good. You know, it would make me feel better if you went and rested in our room. I can focus my hearing on you so if you need anything, all you have to do is call for me."
"Can you please stop being such a cutie pie?" she laughed. "I'll be fine. And I feel so much better being with you. Unless you don't want me to stay with you," she teased.
"That is ridiculous, Anastasia. The thought itself is a sin."
She almost snorted. "Says the demon," she whispered.
He smirked. "Perhaps even you would better suit being a demon after all of the things you said last night."
She blushed deeply and avoided his gaze. "Quiet," she whispered. "The prince will hear you."

As if on cue, Soma breathed out a deep sigh. They looked at him as he half flopped down onto the island. He was extremely full after having tasted all the curries and he could barely move.

"I have tasted all of them," he said with exhaustion. "I have never eaten so much in my life."
Ana jumped down from the counter. "So, which one should Sebastian use?"
Soma shook his head. "As delicious as they are, none of these can compare to Agni's cooking."
Sebastian sighed. "And we're back to square one."
"It's okay," Ana said. "We still have a few days to go. Prince Soma, perhaps you should take rest in your room. We will call you if necessary."
"Right..." the prince mumbled.

He got up and held his belly as he dragged himself out of the kitchen. Once they were alone, Sebastian turned to all of the leftover curries.

"So much food wasted," he tutted.
"Not really. We can keep a couple for dinner and the rest can be donated to a food bank," Ana suggested.
"I was wrong." He looked at her with sly smirk. "You truly are an angel."
She clenched her fists at her sides as her brow twitched. "Stop calling me that."
"If I do, will you give me a reward?" he teased.
She raised a brow. "What is it?"

He leaned down to her ear and whispered something. She laughed, thinking it was a joke but upon seeing the serious expression on his face, she knew it really wasn't a joke.

"Do I have to?"
He nodded. "Just one night of that and I will never call you an angel again. Apart from as an affectionate term."
She sighed. "Fine."

Two Steps From Hell | Sebastian MichaelisWhere stories live. Discover now