Her Butler, Feeling

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Ana forgot how long the journey was to Houndsworth. Although Sebastian didn't visit her the previous night because he wanted her to sleep, she was still incredibly tired. And the motion of the carriage was literally rocking her to sleep. She kept nodding off but would wake whenever her head would drop slightly. Sebastian found it rather amusing and was entertained by it for a short while.

Leaning down to her a little, he spoke quietly. "Lean on me and fall asleep, my dear. There is still a long while to go."
"Okay," she replied sleepily.

She rested her head on his arm, still just a little too short to reach his shoulder, and closed her eyes. He was so comfortable that she instantly fell asleep. Sebastian smiled softly, continuing to ride the carriage. In the other carriage, it wasn't long before someone noticed.

"Oi, check it out," Bard whispered to the others with a grin. "I knew there was something going on between them."

The other two looked over and saw Ana leaning on Sebastian. They knew that if anyone else did that, he would hate it yet he was okay with her.

"Aw," Finny smiled. "I think it's sweet. Sebastian deserves to find someone."
Mey-Rin pouted. "I wish I was as confident as Rose."
Bard smirked. "Heh heh. You know what this means, right?"
"What?" Finny asked.
"It means we can mess with 'em."
Mey-Rin gasped. "But do you think that's a good idea? Sebastian will be so mad, yes he will."
"Come on, Mey-Rin. It's just a bit of fun."
Finny smiled. "I guess it's something to pass the time. I'm in!"
"Okay!" Mey-Rin said with determination. "I'm in too!"

Suddenly, Pluto began whining and he was patting the air. They saw that he was looking at Sebastian with a sad frown on his face.

Bard chuckled. "Looks like someone's jealous."


Ana slowly woke up as they approached the manor. Sitting up straight, she covered her mouth and yawned before rubbing her eyes.

"That nap was so good," she said as she smiled up at Sebastian.
He returned the smile. "I never knew you were so cute when you're asleep."
Her eyes widened. "What did I do?"

He didn't answer her, simply smiling innocently and looking ahead. Ana stared up at him waiting for a response but it never came.

"Sebastian," she called as she nudged him a little. "Tell me."
"We have arrived, master," he said, ignoring Ana completely.

She became frustrated and shot him a glare as he pulled the carriage to a stop in front of the manor. She couldn't even use her trick to act cute because the others were there and that was a sure way to make him give in. He got down first before holding his hand out to her. Taking his hand, she climbed down before going to help the others unload the carriage.

Pluto began barking and growling at Ana, which made her back up in fright. She didn't know why he was doing it since he seemed fine with everyone else but Sebastian was instantly in front of her. He frowned and Pluto began whining and cuddling up to Sebastian but as he did that, he glared at Ana and snarled. Her eyes widened a little as she held her hands up in defence.

"Okay, okay. He's all yours," she said.

Pluto gasped happily and smiled as he nuzzled his face into Sebastian's chest. Now it was Sebastian who was frowning at her.

Ana smiled at him innocently. "Have fun!"

Sebastian looked down at Pluto in disgust and sighed in defeat. As Ana disappeared off inside the manor, he took Pluto to the back and tied him to a post.

"Sit here and behave," he said. "Prove yourself to be a good dog and I will bring you food."

Pluto listened obediently and sat. Now that Sebastian was free of him, he returned inside to search for Ana. Since Ciel would spend some time resting, he had time for whatever he needed to get on with. And spending that time with Ana was the perfect thing to do.

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