Her Butler, Lover

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(First of all, I apologise for any mistakes with grammar and spelling as it is 4:30am and I have probably missed a lot of corrections. And secondly, I hope you enjoy.)

As Sebastian carried her to one of the guest bedrooms, Ana kept her face hidden in the crook of his neck. She placed her hand on his chest, her fingers slowly undoing his perfectly knotted tie. Sebastian had already decided that he wanted her to experience the true meaning of sexual intimacy. He was going to be slow and gentle.

Once they entered the bedroom, he carefully placed her down in the middle of the double-sized bed. He could feel her trembling as she clung onto him.

Brushing his lips against her ear, he whispered, "Are you scared?"
"No." She loosened her grip on him and leaned back to look at his face. "I'm impatient."

Sebastian smirked at her words before capturing her lips in a passionate kiss. There was even more of a burning desire coursing them than before. He slowly climbed over her, gently pushing her to lay against the pillows as his hands travelled down the sides of her body. He took everything in, the dip of her waist and the curve of her hips before running his hands back up the front of her body. Ana almost couldn't concentrate on the kiss as his hands cupped the mounds of her breasts, causing a wave of tingles to run throughout her body. As he gently squeezed, he slowly pulled away to view the look on her face.

For the first time in her life, she knew what true pleasure felt like. And he was only just getting started. All Ana used to feel was her skin being cut, beats and burning. When she grew older and her chest developed, they would squeeze her breasts so hard to the point their handprints would remain long after they were done with her. But how Sebastian made her feel was truly heavenly.

Dipping his head down, he began peppering kisses across her jawline and down the side of her neck. Tilting her head back, she clutched onto his shoulders and whimpered quietly, taking in his every touch. When he reached the base of her neck, just above her collarbone, he felt a small hitch in her throat. There, he took the time to heighten her pleasure. He first began to suck against her skin, earning him a quiet moan. Ana quickly covered her mouth, embarrassed by the sound that had unwillingly escaped but Sebastian moved her hand away.

"I want to hear you," he said in a deep tone as he kept hold of her wrist.

His voice simply made her melt and she nimbly gave a small nod. Continuing, Sebastian sucked her neck harder, preparing her slightly but also to hear her sweet moans, which resonated louder. He would brand her as his and his alone. Then just a few seconds later, he bit down. Ana gasped and gripped his shoulder harder, her trapped hand clenching into a soft fist. It pained only for a fraction of a second but what followed after was pure bliss. He resumed sucking on the wounded area, making her breath out a long yet soft moan. She never knew something so simple could bring so much euphoria.

Lifting his head, Sebastian viewed his mark upon her neck and was satisfied. He watched as Ana gulped hard, her eyes still tightly closed.

"That was only the appetiser, my dear," he told her.
She breathed out shakily. "Oh..." was all she could muster.

Letting go of her wrist, he sat up on his knees and gazed at her clothed body. It was time to rid of them. Removing his gloves, he first brushed his thumb across her lips. Ana had never felt such a soft touch before. Opening her eyes, she saw that he had gotten rid of the gloves. It never really hit her until then that she had never seen his hands before. His nails were black and there was a mark of some sort on the back of his hand. But that's not what bothered her at that moment. It was the sparks she felt across her skin as he touched her. His fingers trailed so delicately down her neck and to the top of her chest.

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