Her Butler, Answering

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Ana knew it. She knew that Ciel didn't want to die. He had gotten his revenge and Sebastian had completed the contract, so it was only fair that Sebastian should claim his reward. However, Ciel was only 10 when the contract was made. He was alone and afraid. Now that he had time to grow and see more of the world and to know peace after his family was taken, he wanted to live.

Ciel looked down at his lap as he stayed sitting up in bed. Ana sat by his side and observed the battle raging inside him. His mind wished to complete the contract but his heart wanted to live.

After a few moments of silence, he spoke. "If you weren't here, Ana, then I would have given up my soul in a heartbeat. Sebastian and the others were simply just that - my servants. But then you came into our lives and I had a family again. You became a sister to me, almost a mother figure. I finally felt home. You disappeared after the fire and I was waiting for my soul to be taken. And then you returned and my resolve shattered." He breathed out and closed his eyes as he scoffed. "Honestly. What am I saying..? Home... Family..." He shook his head, opening his eyes again. "Happiness... It's not meant for me in this world."

Ana's heart was breaking. She had seen the shift in his resolve the moment he saw Odette. It was as if he had suddenly realised that there was so much left to live for. But at the same time, the contract was complete. She wished she could help him. She wished there was a way out for him. But the contract was absolute.

"Ciel, I-"
"No, Ana, it's okay." He looked at her and smiled blankly. "It's only fair. After your wedding, it will be my time. We have a month to prepare for Paris so let us make it special. I'm ready."
She knew he was lying. "Very well." She stood from the bed. "We shall begin tomorrow with your favourite breakfast." She leaned down and placed a kiss on top of his head before smiling softly at him. "Sleep well."

He felt peace in his heart. Ana pulled the blanket over his shoulders as he lay back down and closed his eyes. Before she even left the room, he had drifted off to sleep.

She quietly closed the door behind her but remained outside. Still holding onto the handle, she turned and leant back on the door before resting her head against it. Her eyes closed. Inside, her heart was weeping for the boy. That's just what he was. A boy. A child. All she wanted was to watch him grow and become a man, get married and have his own family. But he wouldn't be able to live all of that.

Eventually, she left and returned to Sebastian and Odette. She entered to find Odette was completely wide awake and giggling as her father tickled her feet. Ana couldn't help but smile at the sight. Both their eyes were glowing pink and Ana noticed that Odette's eyes would change whenever she was bonding with her father. That connection was there the very first time they were reunited and it grew stronger with each passing moment.

"So, did she wake up herself or did you wake her up?" Ana asked as she made her way over to the bed.
Sebastian didn't take his eyes off Odette as he wiggled his finger above her face. "I would be lying if I said she woke up naturally."
"Great," she sighed as she sat down and leaned back against the headboard. "Well, as long as you're happy to entertain her all night."
He chuckled as Odette tried to grab his finger. "Gladly. You've had your time with her and now it's my turn. I have a lot of lost time to make up for. Isn't that right, my little miracle?" He poked her little nose, making her mew happily.
"That's fine with me."

She smiled and scooted down so she could lay her head on the pillow. She turned to her side to watch as Sebastian played with their daughter. Her laughter filled the room.

In her heart, Ana wished for the best future for Odette. To grow into a beautiful woman, to be happy, to find love. She gave up her status as an angel to give her daughter the best life. Any parent would want that for their child. As she was certain that Ciel's parents would have wanted for him.

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