Her Butler, Jealous

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"You will need a tutor while we're in London. I shall fill that role."

Sebastian was clad in a very different outfit. He wore brown trousers with a grey overcoat. His hair was tuck behind one ear and he wore spectacles low on the bridge of his nose with a chain to keep it around his neck. Ana loved how over the top he was. She was pretty sure he didn't even need the glasses but it made him seem like a proper tutor.

Ciel had to take his violin lessons and so they were in the music room. Ana sat on the bench in front of the piano. She wasn't tempted to play it. After being able to play flawlessly the last time, it sort of freaked her out how good she was. Instead she simply listened to the lesson go on.

Ciel looked at his music sheet. "Bach's Chaccone in D minor? There's no way I can play something this complex."
Sebastian used his violin bow to lift Ciel's head by his chin. "As your tutor, I make the rules. Surely you have no objections to my teaching methods, master."

Ciel frowned at him and moved Sebastian's violin bow with his own. Holding his violin in position, he began to play.

"Well done," Sebastian said. "Very nice, my lord."

Whilst Ciel continued to play, focusing on the sheet and the music, Ana made her way to Sebastian. Tugging on his arm, she pulled him down to speak into his ear.

"Do you think you could teach me a few things tonight, sir?" she whispered.
Sebastian smirked at her naughtiness. "I have you scheduled in for 11pm tonight."

Suddenly, they heard some sort of chanting. Ciel stopped playing as Sebastian and Ana looked towards the source of the sound. On the other side of the room, there was a large statue of a woman holding a man's head whilst stepping on another man's body. Soma and Agni were kneeling on the floor in front of it and bowing up and down with Mr. Lau happily watching them.

"What the hell are they doing?" asked Ciel as they made their way over.
"If I had to guess I'd say they're praying," Lau answered. "Quite an odd idol they have though, isn't it?"
"It looks to me like a statue of a woman who seems to be carrying a severed head," Sebastian said. "She's wearing a necklace of severed heads as well, dancing on a man's stomach."
Agni smiled at them. "It depicts one of the sacred beings of Hinduism. She is the Goddess Kali."
"A goddess of India?" Ciel asked.

Agni went on to explain that Kali was the wife of the God Shiva. Apparently, a demon once challenged her and she was victorious in defeating him. However, her destructive nature consumed her until her husband threw himself at her feet and only then did she become calm again.

"Well, there you go then," Ciel sighed.
Sebastian brows furrowed together as he held his chin. "I've never heard of a goddess with such power. I shall have to keep that in mind if I ever go back to India."
Ana folded her arms. "Why? Are you scared?"

Sebastian glared at her from the corner of his eyes as she giggled to herself, proud of her little joke. Once Soma was done praying, he stood up and smiled at Ciel.

"Okay, we are done praying now! Let us go out."

He hooked his arm around Ciel's neck and began pulling him towards the door. Ciel tried to object but Soma was completely oblivious.

"I'm too busy to go out! I already told you that!"


They next moved onto fencing. Soma lay on the ground, completely bored out of his mind. He lay on a mat on the floor with his face in his hand whilst Agni sat beside him. Even Ana sat on the floor with them, enjoying watching Sebastian and Ciel duel with the swords.

"Honestly," Soma spoke in a bored tone. "When are you going to be done with all this? Yawn. What are you even doing anyway? You look like an idiot."

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