Her Butler, Living

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That evening, Jeremy said that he knew how to find out who killed Patrick Phelps. For that he needed Ciel to give his clothes to Ran Mao to wear whilst Ciel wore Sebastian's coat. Whilst Jeremy, Charles Grey, Arthur and Ran Mao carried out the test, the rest of them stayed in one of the guest bedrooms. Ana couldn't wait for it to be over. She just wanted Sebastian back but she knew it was going to be a while before then.

Soon, a knock came at the door. It was Tanaka.

"Pardon the intrusion," he said. "I've been sent to inform you. They have apprehended the murderer."

Everyone was curious as to who murdered Patrick Phelps. Soon, Jeremy entered with the others holding a snake in his hands. It was a black mamba. It had tracked Ciel's scent to his bedroom but, unfortunately for Patrick, he was sleeping there that night.

The topic moved onto how the snake would have entered the country in the first place. With it originating in Africa, they knew it would be someone who had links to the continent. Arthur had figured out that their main imports were gold and diamonds, which led everyone's suspicions to be on Karl Woodley since he owned a diamond company.

Soon, all evidence was pointing at him. They figured he probably wanted to frame Ciel for murder since didn't wish to form a contract with his company, thus making him lose out on millions of pounds in money. Right from the first murder, Jeremy had figured out that a poison was used to make it seem that Georg was dead before being properly killed. The smashing sound the servants had heard was the bottle in which the poison was held. When Sebastian was stoking the fires, they suspected that Karl killed him in order not to be found out.

Ana was confused. She knew that Charles Grey was the true murderer so she wondered why Ciel and Sebastian were pointing all the evidence at Karl. The broken bottle was then found in his fireplace and Jeremy fixed it to prove it was the true piece of evidence.

Charles Grey held his sword to Karl's throat, placing him under arrest before taking him away. Ana frowned softly. Karl was innocent. She glanced at Jeremy questioningly but he seemed to be avoiding her gaze.

'Don't look at me that way, Anastasia. I know you don't approve but please don't judge me. You will understand soon enough.'

"I imagine the police can handle the rest of it," Arthur sighed.
"And thus our investigation draws to a close," Ciel stated.
Irene breathed out. "What a relief."
"Indeed," Grimsby agreed.
Finny suddenly thought. "Uh... So, then what was the bottle of dark red liquid the lady had if it wasn't bl-"
"AAH!" Mey-Rin screamed as she held his mouth shut. "Finny, that doesn't matter anymore!"
Jeremy hit the side of his fist into his palm. "Ah! Yet another bottle. I forgot about that. The maid found this suspicious liquid in Lady Diaz's room, you see." He pulled out the bottle of red liquid. "Is this what it looked like?"
Mey-Rin looked horrified as she pointed to it. "Yes, that's exactly it!"
Irene blushed in embarrassment. "Goodness."
Jeremy walked over to her. "Apparently the presence of this bottle among your things combined with your youthful appearance and stunning beauty-"

Ana didn't hear anything else he had to say after that. 'Stunning beauty? Yes, she's beautiful but then what am I? A pig's sty?!' She huffed as she folded her arms, garnering attention from a confused Arthur.

"Are you alright, Anastasia?" he asked.
She blinked a couple of times and quickly smiled. "Yes, I'm fine. Simply glad that this is all over and I can properly mourn the loss of Sebastian..."

Suddenly, Jeremy appeared with a couple of glasses of the red liquid. He had seen her and Arthur standing quite close and felt the need to separate them immediately. He put on a friendly smile before handing them both a glass each.

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