Her Butler, Silently Scared

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Even as Sebastian continued with his nightly routines, he couldn't stop thinking about the handkerchief. The blood stained cloth remained in his pocket, simply as a constant reminder that it was Ana's blood on it. Once his tasks were complete, he returned to his room where Ana was still sleeping.

He sat beside her and watched her sleep peacefully. He wondered why she didn't tell him. Then again, it could have been from a simple scratch on her hand. However, he didn't see any cuts on her when she changed into her nightdress. She had the ability to heal just like he did and so there wouldn't be any signs of a cut. Still, it bothered him. He needed to know why she was bleeding. What the cause was.

Then, as always, he watched her sleep until morning. And as always, Ana could feel his eyes on her as she woke up from her sleep. She gave him her usual morning smile and he returned it.

"Good morning, my dear," he greeted as he stroked her cheek. "Did you sleep well?"
"I did." She sat up and stretched before sighing softly. "I'm feeling much better today."
"Brilliant. Now, is there anything you want to tell me?"
She looked at him, confused. "I don't think so. Should I be telling you anything?"
He pulled something out of his pocket; the handkerchief. "This fell out from your coat pocket. Your blood is on there." He then looked at her with a questioning stare. "Well?"
"Oh, that..." She laughed nervously and avoided his gaze, feeling as though she was being interrogated. "You see, I cut myself on a stone when we were playing in the snow. It's no big deal."
He held her chin and turned her face to him. "I have said this before but I shall say it again: you are a terrible actress."
She breathed out, knowing there was no point in lying. "I don't know why I even bother." She held his hand and looked at him apologetically. "I didn't want to lie to you but I also didn't want you to worry. Please don't be upset with me."
"Oh, my dear." He placed a kiss on her hand. "I am not upset with you. Never. You should know that you can tell me anything."
She nodded. "I know..."
"So, shall we start again? Where did the blood come from?"
She gulped quietly and looked him straight in the eyes. "Just before you returned yesterday, I began coughing. It became quite rough and then I coughed out some blood. I reckon I just coughed too hard." She then giggled nervously. "I've never said the word 'cough' so many times before."

Sebastian fell silent. Something was wrong but...he just didn't know what. However, Ana was looking at him, her smile gone and instead replaced with worry. He smiled softly and shook his head.

"You're right," he said before holding her face. "It must be nothing. But please do not hide anything from me again."
She smiled in relief and nodded. "Okay."
He stood from the bed and straightened out his tailcoat. "Tomorrow is the young master's birthday so we have plenty of preparations to get on with. I thought you might quite enjoy taking on the task of his birthday cake."
"Yes, I'd love to!" she said excitedly.
"Now, the young master doesn't like to celebrate his birthday since it is the anniversary of his parents' death. However, I believe it will be something to hopefully lighten his mood."
Ana felt sad upon hearing the tragic history of his birthday. "I'm sure he will appreciate the gesture."

He smiled at her response before taking her hand as she got out from bed. As she stood, he wrapped his arms around her and embraced her as tight as he could without hurting her. It confused her but she happily welcomed it, placing her own arms around his waist and snuggling into his chest.

"Are you okay?" she asked him.
He closed his and smiled. "Yes. These are the moments I cherish. Only you."
She smiled softly. "I do, too." She then tilted her head back to look up at him. "It will be just the two of us one day."
He gently held her face. "Yes, it will be."

Leaning down, he pressed his lips against hers and kissed her deeply. She closed her eyes and completely lost herself. Like always. As his tongue pushed past her lips and into her mouth, she whimpered quietly and clutched onto his tailcoat. She didn't know what had gotten over him but her own mind was becoming numb from his kiss. Even as he pressed her back against the wall, he moved his hands down her arms before taking hold of her wrists and pinning them to the wall above her head. She had difficulty keeping up with Sebastian's lips as he passionately attacked her own causing her to mewl and moan quietly.

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