Her Butler, Training

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Ana stepped forward and stood beside Sebastian and she saw him glaring slightly at Ciel, who was smirking in amusement.

"Surely you wouldn't be interested in that," Ana said.
Ciel closed his eyes and leaned back in his chair. "Of course I am. I'm curious to know as to how this is going to work. A demon and a human in love. I'm sure all the former popes are spinning in their graves as we speak."
Sebastian smiled. "Very well, young master. What is it you would like to know?"
Ciel looked at them both. "You're not planning on having children any time soon, are you?"

Ana gasped at his question, embarrassed just by the thought of it. She held her cheeks to hide the blush before stepping behind Sebastian. However, Sebastian was cool, calm and collected as always.

"We have yet to discuss that amongst ourselves," he answered. "But I believe I can speak for the both of us when I say we are in no hurry for children."
"Very well. And how do these relationships work?" Ciel asked. "Is it similar to humans? Getting married and all that?"
"In demon culture there is no need for marital ceremonies. Once a demon finds his or her mate, it is bound for eternity. However, if Anastasia wishes to marry, I would happily oblige."
"Anastasia," Ciel called. "What do you say to that?"

She peeked out a little from behind Sebastian but she was still holding onto his hand that was behind his back. She didn't know why she felt so nervous and embarrassed. Having never been in a relationship before, she didn't really know if there was a certain way for it to work.

"Oh... I... I guess I haven't really thought about it..."

Sebastian was getting rather annoyed by Ciel's questioning. It was the kind of things he would have preferred to have spoken to Anastasia about privately.

Ciel clasped his hands in front of his mouth. "Interesting."
"Master," Anastasia spoke. "There is still a lot of things that I have not yet established with Sebastian yet. And I'm sure he wishes to know my own thoughts. We did only declare it so last night and we really haven't had time to speak amongst ourselves. I think that maybe we won't be able to answer any curiosities you may have."

Sebastian was surprised by her response but he couldn't help but smile. She was so eloquently able to say what he was unable to. His contract made it so that he had to answer Ciel's questions but she didn't have to. She wasn't aware of his contract yet and that was something he wished to discuss with her. However, she didn't want to have a conversation about her relationship with Sebastian when she wasn't sure about a lot of things herself.

"Hm, very well," Ciel said. "I only wanted to make you both uncomfortable."
Ana sighed quietly. "Now that's just mean."
"I was bored."
Sebastian's brow twitched in annoyance. "Honestly, master. You may be the Lord of Phantomhive but you truly are just a child."
"At any rate, it looks as if we do need to hurry now. I'm sure you two can't wait to get out of here."

Sebastian closed his eyes and breathed out. He knew what was coming but Ana just stood there confused. When she looked at Sebastian, she noticed a small frown on his face. Ciel sipped his tea before smirking at him.

"Go out there and put on a good show for me," he said. "Am I clear?"
Sebastian opened his eyes. "Perfectly, my young lord."
"Good. You both may go now."

Sebastian piled the empty plate and cup onto the tray as Ana walked ahead to open the door. When they left the dining room, she followed Sebastian to the kitchen but she was deep in thought. She was so lost in her thoughts that she didn't realise that Sebastian had stopped to place the tray down and she walked straight into him.

"Oops! I'm so sorry," she quickly apologised as she looked up at him.
Turning to her, he smiled. "Your mind is elsewhere, my dear. What are you thinking about?"
She sighed. "I was just thinking about what Master Ciel said. What did he mean by telling you to put on a good show?"

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