Her Butler, Fighter

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(It's 5am here so sorry for any mistakes!)

They ran through the hallways, Ana following Sebastian closely as he carried Ciel. There were still more monsters aboard the ship and they had to figure out how to end them all quickly. In order to do that, they had to find the doctor who had started it. But they all came to a stop when they came across Viscount Druitt.

"My, you look familiar," he said. "Perhaps we've met before?"

Sebastian and Ciel had frustrated smiles on their faces whilst Ana looked extremely confused. There were some men carrying a device behind him.

"Pardon me," Sebastian spoke. "But if I may ask, is this the device that stops the corpses?"
Viscount Druitt held up his glass of wine and smiled. "If you want the answer, you'll have to follow me. Come and you can witness the dawning of a new age. You wouldn't want to miss something like that. Right?" he said with a rather creepy air about him before walking off.
"Shall I liberate the device from his care?" Sebastian asked before following them.
"No," Ciel answered. "There's no point when we don't know how to use it. We're better off having him activate the-"

A random giggling disturbed his train of thought. One of the men carrying the device looked all too familiar. A long, black hat, dark clothes and long grey hair. Even Ana knew who he was for she had met him during Sebastian's fake funeral.

"Undertaker?!" Ciel gasped.
He looked back at them under his bangs. "Oh, hello there."
"What are you doing?!"
"False labour. I was on my way to the deck when they stopped me and told me to help carry this thing."
Ciel spoke quieter. "This is important. Do you know how to operate the device?"
"What use would an undertaker have for a mysterious machine like this?"

The machine was carried into one of the large ballrooms and placed down in the middle of the stairway. Ana, Sebastian and Ciel stopped to the side to witness what they were about to do.

"You know," Ana said, "we can just steal it. I'm sure I'd be able to figure out how to use it."
"Perhaps so," Sebastian responded. "But we cannot take any chances."
"Are you activating it?" Ciel called to the Viscount.
"Not just yet," he replied. "The full cast isn't assembled."
"The full cast?" Sebastian question.
"You bastard!" someone yelled.

Surprised, they all looked over to the upper level deck that circled the room. Standing there was the doctor with Grell and Ronald. The doctor was especially vexed.

"It was you who took it!"
"Ah! There you are," the Viscount said. "I've been waiting your arrival. Today is a historic day for us both. The empire you cleverly crafted is about to fall. And mine will rise in its place, stronger than any the world has seen before."

Everyone was shocked by his revelation. His plan was to use the power of the device to create a new world order. Sebastian, Ana and Ciel were incredibly fed up by the man's antics as he continued to explain his big plan. He wished for a society run by immortals.

"Today is the day! The rise of the Aurora Empire!" he announced dramatically.
"Is he for real?" Ana questioned quietly.
Sebastian sighed. "Unfortunately."
On the balcony, Ronald placed his hands on the back of his head. "This is a bit more complicated than I bargained for."
"Let's see how this fellow looks bathed in red!" Grell said as he revved his chainsaw.
The Viscount dropped a bit of his wine on the machine. "Be careful now. If I'm startled, I might accidentally spill," he threatened.

Grell screamed, wanting nothing more than to kill him but Ronald held him back.

The Viscount grinned. "This is power in its truest form! I made the lot of you tremble in fear using nothing more than a wine glass!" he laughed heartily.
A shadow loomed over Sebastian's eyes. "May I kill him now, my lord?"
"Not yet," Ciel said. "Though I understand the urge."

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