Her Butler, Confident

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A lot of water was still breaching the engine room and some of the lights to show which doors had been airtight were not on. Therefore, Sebastian had to stop as much water from getting in as he could. Ana followed him out onto the deck.

"Stay here," he told her as he removed his tailcoat, gloves and tie before handing them to her. "I will be back shortly."
She held onto his things. "What are you going to do?"
"I need to assess the damage and I will attempt to repair as much of it as I can. I shan't be long."

And with that he leapt over the rail and dived straight into the ocean. Ana peered over the rail but she couldn't see him at all. Out of curiosity, she began counting the seconds to time how long he could hold his breath for. She knew that he could obviously hold it for days if he perhaps needed to but it was something to do to pass the time.

Before she knew it, she had counted to 420 seconds and he still hadn't come back up. It was irrational to think it but she thought he had drowned. However, just as she thought that, she saw his hand grab onto the rail. He pulled himself up and Ana had to force herself to stay cool. His hair was partially stuck to his face with water dripping down his face, giving off a sexy vibe. Plus, his top two buttons were undone, showing off his bare chest and his wet clothes clung onto his body.

'If only I were those wet clothes... The things I would do...'

"You have an awful lot of sinful thoughts for an angel," he smirked as he climbed onto the deck.
She blinked. "Uh, I have no idea what you're talking about," she said, trying her best to act casual.
He pinched her cheek as he walked past her. "I've done the best that I can but water will continue to flood the ship slowly."
She followed him back inside. "So, now what?"
He grabbed one of the ship's blueprints before spreading it out onto a table. "Even a cursory examination was enough to show the damage to the ship was extensive."
She seethed upon hearing that. "If only I had reacted sooner," she sighed sadly as she stood opposite him.
"It's not your fault, my dear," he said before gliding his finger across the blueprint. "Likely three- No. Four compartments are full of water." He held his chin. "Which means that before long, the ship is going to sink."

Ana suddenly saw one of the undead sneaking up behind him. But before she could speak, he quickly raised his fist above his shoulder, punching and easily crushing its face. She relaxed and looked at Sebastian. His hair was still slightly damp and the way he had run his fingers through it to keep it out of his face made his whole appearance change. She loved his professional and perfect butler appearance but the rough and wet look he had going on made her feel all sorts of things.

"You've been staring at me a lot recently," he said, noticing the look in her eyes.
She jumped out of her thoughts. "Oh... Have I?"
He smirked and walked around the table to her. "You know," he held onto her chin, "if you're truly feeling broody, I'd be more than willing to take you right now on this table."
She blushed but rolled her eyes, taking hold of his hand. "That won't be necessary. People are dying. I was simply admiring the way you look right now." She shrugged slightly. "It's different."
"All this over a hairstyle. Women are truly strange."
She raised a brow. "I will choose to ignore that comment. So, what's next on the agenda?" she asked as she handed him his tie, gloves and tailcoat.
"The water temperature is roughly 2°. Prolonged exposure could endanger the young lord's health," he told her as he put his things back on. "Unacceptable. We haven't much time. I must fetch him at once."

Taking hold of her hand, he turned to leave but she stopped him. He looked back at her with confusion.

"I can't go with you," she said.
He frowned. "Why not?"
"You have to save Ciel. I have to help the passengers escape."
"I'll be fine, Malphas. Please..."
He held her face and smiled. "I understand. I shall find you later."
She nodded. "Thank you."

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