Her Butler, Found Out

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Ana couldn't believe it. She didn't want to. As she sat against the door, she couldn't understand how someone could have killed him. The only thing she thought could kill him was a weapon that was not of earth. The only person she had seen with such a weapon was Grell. But he was infatuated with Sebastian so she couldn't imagine him coming in the middle of the night just to kill him. None of it made sense.

There was a knock at the door. Ana jumped out of her thoughts before quickly wiping her face with her sleeves.

"Yes. One moment," she said.

She got up and opened it to see Mey-Rin, Finny and Bard standing there. She stepped out and closed the door behind them before smiling sadly.

"I'm sorry for reacting that way," she said quietly.
"Don't be," Bard said. "It's shocking for all of us."
Mey-Rin placed a hand on Ana's shoulder. "We're all here for you."
Finny was trying his best not to burst into tears. "It's okay to cry," he said before suddenly hugging her.
Ana smiled a little and patted his back before he let go. "Thank you... I would like to see him."
Mey-Rin hesitated. "I don't think that's such a good idea."
"Please..." Her bottom lip began quivering as she lowered her head. "I just want to see him. I'll be okay. I promise."
Bard sighed. "Okay. We'll take you."

They escorted her down to the wine cellar. The walk was extremely quiet and Ana's mind was blank. It was the first time someone had been taken away from her. The first time she loved someone and they were taken from her forever. She didn't know what to think. All she knew was that it hurt incredibly.

Once they reached the cellar, Bard opened the door. She saw two bodies covered with white sheets. One was Georg von Siemens and the other...Sebastian. Ana gulped as they led her to his body and she kneeled down beside him.

Meanwhile, Sebastian was mentally cursing the other servants for bringing her down. He had hoped they would spare her from seeing his 'lifeless' body. 'Please forgive me, Anastasia, for putting you through this pain.'

Finny pulled down the sheet only to reveal his face, not wanting to show her the wound in his chest. Ana stared at him blankly.

"He looks like he's sleeping..."

'No, Anastasia. I'm awake.'

She reached out and gently cupped his cheek. "Please wake up..." Her breathing became shaky. "Please don't leave me..."

'You're breaking my heart, Anastasia...'

Mey-Rin and Finny were trying their hardest not to burst into tears as they watched Ana talk to Sebastian. She then lowered her head onto his shoulder and began sobbing quietly.

"I didn't know what- I didn't know what love was until I found you..." She sniffed. "It hurts so much. Please don't go... I don't want to be alone again. Please..."
"Ana," Bard spoke softly. "You will never be alone."
She lifted herself up and sniffed as she wiped the tears from her face. "I don't know what to do..."
"Hey." He kneeled down beside her. "Chin up, okay? I never told you this before but I-"

'Easy there, Bardroy. I've only been dead for a few hours.'

He sighed. "You're like a sister to me."


Bard continued. "You're family. You're part of our family."
Finny nodded. "He's right. We're always going to be together."
"You'll never be alone," Mey-Rin added.
Ana sniffed again as she wiped away her tears. "Thank you... I think I'm ready to go back now."

They nodded in agreement. But before Ana could leave, she leaned over his face and gently pecked his lips. And then she moved her lips to his ear.

"I will always love you," she whispered.

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