Her Butler, Separated

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Sebastian was worried to say the least. After her reaction to seeing him, it was as if she was grateful that he was still alive. She had fallen asleep in his arms, which was normal, however, the way she was clinging onto him was not. Every time he lay with her, she would hold onto him. But she was clutching onto him as if she was scared that he was going to disappear.

He looked down at her face, brushing his fingers through her hair. She breathed out softly and stirred slightly before her eyes fluttered open. She found Sebastian's eyes glowing pink as he gazed down at her. And then he spoke with his true voice.

As Malphas.

"What are you hiding from me?"

Her heart instantly felt heavy at the seriousness in his tone. Especially after having just woken up. He would usually greet her with loving words but it suddenly felt like he was interrogating her.

He figured out that he had scared her and gently stroked her cheek. "Did I frighten you?" he asked, still using his true voice.
"A little..." she admitted timidly.
"I apologise. I'm simply concerned about you." He leaned down and pecked her lips. "Is something bothering you?" He lowered his hand to her stomach, softly brushing his thumb over the small bump. "Is it the baby?"
She shook her head. "The baby is fine."
"I'm glad. So, what is it that worries you?"
"I don't know..." She closed her eyes and hid her face in his chest. "I'm scared, Malphas..."
"Of what? If you don't tell me, I can't help you." He wrapped his arm around her and held her closer. "And I want to help you."

He made her feel so fuzzy inside. She hated hiding things from him but it was only not to make him worry. Still, she thought that sharing it with him might make her feel better.

"I saw something..." she said quietly.
"What did you see?"
"A war..." She moved her head back to look into his glowing eyes. "Between heaven and hell. You and I were leading our armies but we were against each other. And there was just this...this overwhelming desire to destroy... To end one another. And I pierced my sword straight through your heart..." She breathed out deeply. "God told me I could see into the future. I don't want it to be true..."

Sebastian listened to her intently. It was no wonder she was so shaken up and he realised why she didn't want to tell him. He held her face and gazed down at her.

"Oh, my dear. This is what has been ailing you?" He smiled. "It's in our nature. We are in love but the fact remains, Anastasia, that our respective species are natural sworn enemies. We are defying the very laws of our individual natures. You remember how it was when you first arrived here, don't you? We couldn't stand one another."
She looked at him with a slight frown. "How can you be so okay with this? I don't know if it was a vision of the future or just my mind being cruel. Either way I don't like it."
"It could be inevitable. The time will come when heaven and hell will collide and you and I will fight."

She stared at him not knowing what to say. She knew that their two worlds would be at war but she wasn't ready to be against the one she loved. There was no love felt in the vision she had, so she wondered... Do they no longer love each other in the future? Will their natural instincts return? Will they hate each other?

But there was one question that outweighed all of them.

"And what will happen to Odette?" she asked him.

He averted his gaze at her question and looked somewhere else. He had been thinking the same thing also. If their destinies were to fight, their daughter would be trapped in the middle.


After a couple more minutes of silence, Ana couldn't take it anymore. She clutched onto his clothes and shook him slightly.

Two Steps From Hell | Sebastian MichaelisWhere stories live. Discover now