Her Butler, Two Steps From Hell

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(The above music is what inspired this chapter.)

Sebastian and Ana looked about their surroundings. There was nothing but gold light all around them and Ana knew exactly where they were.

"This is heaven," she said quietly as Sebastian helped her stand.
He kept hold of her hand. "Heaven? Well, it's more boring than I expected."
She shook her head. "No, it's... I think it's a part of heaven. But this doesn't make sense." She looked at Sebastian with dread. "You're not supposed to be here."
"Yes, you're right," he said cautiously. "Then how am I able to be here..?"

Suddenly, thousands of angels appeared, completely enclosing them in the middle. Wherever they looked, whether it was up, down, left, right, forward or behind, there was nothing but angels. And not just a particular type of angel. There were angels from all three spheres and each order within them. All levels of angels from every level was there. And Ana couldn't believe how beautiful each one of them were. There were some without wings and many with. Some with one wing, two wings, and some with four.

Sebastian kept his grip on Ana's hand. "Where are we?"
"This is the Void," one of the angels answered. "You are not in heaven but close to it. This place is a creation of the angels, birthed by our power."
"Why have you brought us here?" Ana asked. "Did God-"
"The Almighty Lord does not control us," another angel spoke. "He only tests us and this is our test as well as yours, Archangel Anastasia."

Her brows creased together slightly. This was her test. She recalled what Ashe had told her before as they watched the fires in London.

"Your fate is sealed and your so-called love is about to be tested."

Whatever was happening right now would have happened no matter what. She was scared. Sebastian looked at her and let go of her hand to hold her face.

"I will get us out of here," he told her gently.
"That will not be possible, Malphas, son of Satan," came another voice. "Your powers do not work here. As a creation of the angels, your powers have been compressed in the Void."
Ana looked around at the angels. "So, tell me. What is my test?"

She kind of didn't want to know. But the quicker she got the test over and done with, the quicker they could leave.

"Kill him."

Ana's eyes widened. She looked at Sebastian who seemed surprisingly calm but he only kept the façade for her sake. He knew that that was likely to be her test but without his powers, he didn't know what to do.

Ana shook her head and looked at the angels. "I won't do it."
"Complete your test and you can live amongst the heavens once more."
"Forget it! I never wanted to be a part of the heavens and I never will!"

As soon as she asked that, every single one of the angels drew their heavenly weapons. However, they weren't aimed at Sebastian. They were aimed at her. Sebastian wished he could protect her but with them being surrounded completely, it would be impossible to do so.

"Kill him," the angel repeated, "or we kill your baby."
Ana gasped and instantly wrapped her arms around her bump. "No..."

They had her trapped. She had to kill him in order to save her unborn child.

"Anastasia," came Malphas's voice. "Look at me."

She looked at him, his eyes were glowing pink. It was Malphas speaking to her now meaning he was completely serious in what he was going to say.

Tears welled up in her eyes. "I'm so scared, Malphas..."
"I know." He smiled at her gently. "Do you trust me?"
She nodded quickly. "Yes."

He then took a step away from her. She frowned sadly, suddenly feeling extremely alone.

He continued to smile. "Now, draw your sword."
Her heart panged in her chest as she looked at him in disbelief. "Malphas... What are you saying?"
"You have to do it. Draw your sword now. Do it for our little Odette."

Tears spilled down her cheeks. She felt numb but it was as if she was on fire inside. With thousands of angels ready to kill their baby, she had no other choice. Keeping her eyes on his, the sword materialised in her hand.

He nodded. "Well done. Now aim for my heart."

She lifted her sword and pointed it straight at his chest, holding her sword with both hands to stop herself from shaking. More tears fell and she was only just about holding herself together.

"Now kill me."

She didn't move. She shook her head as she began to sob quietly.

"I... I can't..." she whimpered through her tears.
"You can, Anastasia. The angels will kill her if you don't."

She cried, her hands trembling as she shook her head again. It was pure torture. It wasn't even a test she could fail on purpose for either way, she would lose something. She recalled what he had told her on one of the nights she bombarded him with questions.

"Okay, theoretically, let's say I did stab you with my sword. Wouldn't you just die and go straight to hell anyway?"
He chuckled softly as he stroked his fingers through her hair. "You're not planning to kill me, are you?"
She rolled her eyes. "I'm being serious, Mal. Tell me what would happen so I don't stab you when you annoy me."
"Well, I've seen it happen before. If you did pierce me with your angel sword, I would be destroyed from the inside out and then I would simply cease to exist."

She breathed out shakily as she stared deep into his eyes. Eyes so full of love for her and their daughter that he was ready to die.

"I can't do it," she whispered shakily.
"If there is one way I would wish to die, it would be by your hands," he told her. And then he began speaking to her through thought so that the other angels couldn't hear him. "You have to trust me, Anastasia. I will come back to you. I promise."
He was repeating the same words she had said to him but she was doubtful. "You're a demon. How do I know you're not lying to me?"
"Because I cannot lie to you and you know that." He then spoke aloud. "I will help you."

Before she could even object, he grabbed hold of the blade and aimed it at his heart. Her eyes widened as she tried to move her sword but his grip was tight.

"Malphas, no. Stop it."

But he didn't. Keeping his smile, he took a step forward making the sword pierce through his chest.

"NO!!" she screamed.

She began to cry loudly and begged for him to stop. However, he continued to walk forward. He grunted from the searing pain engulfing his body but he tried to keep his expression calm for her sake. Blood poured from the corner of his mouth and Ana could see cracks forming along his skin, stemming from his chest and going up his neck and to his face.

She cried in pain as she watched the love of her life sacrifice himself for her and their daughter. She wanted everything to end right there but it was too late. He came to a stop once he reached the hilt and looked down at her as he was slowly being destroyed from the inside out. He weakly lifted her hand to her bump and she could feel his hand shaking.

"I...apologise I cannot be there for you both." He gasped from the pain, trying to keep going a few seconds longer. "Apologise to her...for me."
She closed her eyes tightly, taking a deep breath before looking up at him again. "Please don't leave me..."
He dropped to his knees in front of her, the sword only slicing into him further. "I love you both."

And then his body became engulfed by a white fire. He was gone. Ana screamed in pure anguish before everything went dark.

Two Steps From Hell | Sebastian MichaelisWhere stories live. Discover now