Her Butler, Charming

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Ana couldn't believe what she was saying. It was as if she was in a trance and words were just coming out of her mouth. Even though she knew he was a demon, she still knew that she was falling in love with him. Sebastian himself was surprised by her confession but it was only a matter of time. Whether their paths crossed 10 years or 100 years from now, the fact remained that she was his soulmate.

Ana quickly closed her eyes and shook her head. "No, wait. This can't be real."
"What makes you say that?"
"I can't fall in love..." she said quietly before looking into his demonic eyes again. "Love doesn't happen to people like me."
"Your concerns are that you're in love. Not that you're in love with a demon?" He smirked softly. "You continue to surprise me."
"I didn't think I could ever love because I don't hold men in the highest of my regards," she elaborated. "But you're a demon... You are a demon."
"Yes, Anastasia, I believe we have established that fact."
"Wait a minute. This is embarrassing..." She sighed. "Do you love me?"

Sebastian's smirk only grew at her question. She was still trapped against the counter and not once did she try to make an escape. She was still an enigma to him. Any other human would have run miles if there was demon standing in front of them. But not her. She had faced things much more frightening things at the hands of humans.

She was waiting for his response and he knew the perfect way to answer. Leaning in closer, he didn't hesitate as he pressed his lips onto hers. Ana's breath hitched in her throat, her eyes widening in surprise. But his lips were so soft and delectable that she couldn't resist. Closing her eyes, she tilted her head a little and kissed him in return. She didn't realise her hands were holding onto his tailcoat until his own hands moved to her waist, pulling her into him a little. The kiss grew deeper and Ana felt as though her heart was about to explode. She would class it as her first kiss, not counting the times when she was abused. It was so cliché but there was a definite spark when their lips touched. Sebastian had felt it too and her lips felt so perfect against his own. He had kissed plenty of women within his life but there were never any romantic implications behind them. He only ever did so for his own advantage. However, he kissed Ana because it's what he wanted. It's what he craved.

After a few moments, they parted from the kiss. Ana's eyes remained closed as Sebastian gazed at her face. She seemed so at peace and he wondered if it was the first time she had ever felt peace. Gently cupping her cheek with his gloved hand, he brushed his thumb across her lips. They were trembling ever so slightly. He only realised himself that she was truly an exceptionally beautiful woman. Not only had he fallen for her soul but for her beauty. His eyes took in her every feature. Her sultry eyes feathered with long lashes, her small yet sharp nose, her succulent and plump lips and the small beauty mark under the corner of them.

Ana soon opened her eyes and blushed upon seeing his eyes gazing deeply into her own. She bit her lower lip and cleared her throat a little as she placed her hand on his chest.

"I'll take that as a yes then."
She giggled quietly. "I just kissed a demon."
He smiled. "Is that all you're going to refer to me as?"
"No, of course not. However, I have so many more questions to ask you."
Sebastian's smile turned to a smirk. "I just confessed my love for you and you wish to interrogate me? You are very odd."
She raised a brow. "Well, isn't that why you love me in the first place?"
"Among many other things."
She pouted her lips slightly. "Just a few questions?"
Brushing his thumb across her cheek, he shook his head. "Perhaps another time, my dear." As he blinked, his demonic eyes disappeared and returned to his human eyes. "It is quite late."
She smiled sweetly and held up her index finger. "Just one?"
He laughed softly. "Well, when you say it like that, I simply cannot refuse you. I will allow you one question."
She held her chin and thought deeply. "Now I don't know what to ask. There's so much I want to know."
He took her hand and led her to the table so she could sit. "Choose whichever question you like. There will be plenty of opportunities to ask your other questions," he said before sitting beside her.
"Hmm, okay. Well, I guess I'll start with: what type of demon are you?"
"That question is very vague but I'll answer it as thoroughly as I can." He cleared his throat. "There are no specific types of demons. We are a species just like humans. However, there are certain levels. A hierarchy, if you will."

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