Her Butler, Tortured

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Ana had never felt so beautiful or so loved. The way he made her felt was simply indescribable. At one point, it felt as though she was having an out-of-body experience. Like she was floating. Her body had never felt so tired before to the point she slept 12 hours straight. She didn't even remember falling asleep. But as she woke up, her eyes slowly fluttered open to find his pink ones looking straight at her.

He had a warm smile on his face and only pure love for her in his eyes. She was safely bundled up in his strong arms, holding her to his body. She blushed softly and smiled.

"I thought last night was a dream," she spoke quietly. "But then I realise no mind can conjure up something like that. It was truly the best experience of my life."
Reaching his hand up, he cupped her cheek. "It was mine as well." Moving his hand down the side of her body, he gently massaged her waist and hips. "Does it hurt?"
"I'm a little sore but it's a wonderful pain." She sighed softly and ran her fingertips along his jawline. "This is all I've ever wanted. To be with the love of my life, together every morning and within each others embrace."
"What else have you dreamed of, my dear?"
Her smile brightened a little more. "I've always dreamed of having a cute and cosy cottage in the south of France. There would be fields of flowers and no one around for miles."
"Now that does sound like a lovely dream."
She laughed softly. "Yes, but now I'm truly curious about what living in hell would be like. Can we have cats in hell? I've always wanted a pet cat."

Sebastian gazed at her deeply. Just as demons could not enter heaven, likewise, angels could not enter hell. He would never be able to take her there. It was time to tell her the truth.

Brushing the back of his fingers across her cheek, he smiled almost sadly. "Anastasia, there is something-"

He was cut off when they heard a loud smash coming from somewhere inside the house. Ana's eyes widened as she looked towards the door and Sebastian frowned deeply.

"Stay inside this room," he told her. "I will investigate."

He got out of the bed and quickly put on his shirt and trousers before leaving the room. He could hear whoever had broken in shuffling around in the living room. Making his way down, he went to the living room only for his brow to twitch in annoyance. Red hair and that red coat was all he needed to know who it was.

"What are you doing here, Grell?" he asked without wasting time on formalities.
He gasped excitedly and twirled around. "Oh, I knew you were here, my love! What a romantic surprise!"
Sebastian sighed out of frustration. "If you knew I was here, then it counteracts the surprise element."
"Oh, my!" Grell eyed Sebastian up and down as he began gushing. "I've never seen you without your uniform. Were you waiting for me so that we can make love?" He scuttled over to him and gazed deep into his eyes. "Now that your annoying brat of a master isn't here, we're free to make babies!"
Sebastian shuddered and glared at him. "That's simply revolting."
"So, tell me, Bassy! Why are you here alone?"
"That is information you do not need to know."

Up in the bedroom, Ana could hear Sebastian talking to someone. It was a voice she didn't recognise. She was certain that if it was someone threatening, Sebastian would have killed them by that point. Climbing out of bed, she found Sebastian's tailcoat and wore it. Luckily it was big enough to hide her body with only her legs showing from mid thigh down.

She quietly left the room and made her way down. Sebastian was still talking to whoever was there but he sensed that Ana was hiding behind the wall.

"Tell me what you're hiding!" came the other man's voice.
Sebastian breathed out. "Fine." He looked back over his shoulder. "Come in, Anastasia."

Ana wasn't surprised that she was figured out. She held the coat tighter around her before entering the room. She saw the man in red and raised a brow as she stood beside Sebastian. Grell's eyes widened and his heart broke as he watched his love place his arm around the woman's waist.

Two Steps From Hell | Sebastian MichaelisWhere stories live. Discover now