Her Butler, Investigating

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Sebastian had just rescued Ciel from Drossel and the dolls before landing on top of a bridge. He placed Ciel on his feet before being slapped across his face.

"What about Lizzie?! She's still in there!" Ciel shouted at him. "Did I order you to solve the recent string of kidnappings or didn't I?! Lizzie is one of the kidnapped victims. Saving her is the first prior-"
"If an order negates the contract," Sebastian said, cutting him off with a gentle smile, "I cannot obey it. Your first priority's always orders from the Queen. Similarly, my first priority is your life. I've devoted myself to your service and protection. It's been more than two years now." His eyes turned pink. "I can't very well let someone steal you away after all this time now can I?"
Ciel frowned upon at him before smirking. "And what if the angels were to steal away with Anastasia whilst you're protecting me?"

It was now Sebastian's turn to frown. Of course he never planned on falling in love during his contract with Ciel. It was something that quite often played at the back of his mind. If Anastasia was still 'human', it would have been a simple task to keep both her and his master safe at the same time. But she was an angel. Higher forces could come to play at any time and although he could fight them off if need be, if at any point he was protecting his master, then the angels would be able to take her away. Sebastian would not be able to enter heaven to take her away again, thus he would be trapped. However, it was something he had already planned ahead for.

He smirked. "You see, I have already guaranteed that the angels will not be able to take her away whether I'm with her or not."
Ciel's brows creased together slightly. "How so?"
"I have her marked." Sebastian held his chin. "It's a cruel yet necessary action I had to take to ensure her safety. The angels will consider her to be impure, thus guaranteeing that they will want nothing to do with her. Likewise, she wants no connection to them either. It's a win-win situation."
Ciel scoffed. "You really thought this through, haven't you?"
"Of course. I'm simply one hell of a soulmate after all. I cannot just leave her without protection. I'm certain you feel the same way about Lady Elizabeth," he added with a smirk.

Ciel gritted his teeth before pulling out a ring with a piece of the Hope Diamond. He placed it on his thumb with his own ring causing Sebastian to look at him in surprise.

"Apparently the Hope Piece is what marks the master's next target," Ciel said before holding up his hand. "And I have two of them. I guess that means I've been double-y marked. Protecting me will be a difficult task."
Sebastian smiled with a bow. "I'm not afraid of hard work."

It wasn't long before they were joined by Grell and Pluto. They soon found Elizabeth, who had been turned into a puppet to attack Ciel. Once she was freed and Drossel defeated, they were ready to leave. (I super rushed through this scene because I'm so tired 😭 )

However, despite having a head filled with straw, Drossel still got to his feet to report back to his master. They followed him into a room before he collapsed. The room was dark with only the moon offering some light. In there, they found Pluto happily laying across the ground in front of whoever was sitting on the chair. The so-called master was sat with the back of the chair facing them so they were unable to see who it was. They only heard a man's voice.

"I'm terribly sorry," he said. "My butler's incompetence prevents me from offering you hospitality."
"You're the one behind this?" Ciel asked. "Why would you want to turn little girls into dolls?"
"Perfection is so difficult to attain. And when it is achieved, it is fleeting. Doll making is a noble work. It preserves that which is most beautiful in this world. A doll is a perfect little person forever frozen in time. Just like the angel I stole from heaven. That is my goal."

Sebastian's eyes widened at the man's words. He couldn't be certain but he had a gut feeling that the man was speaking of Anastasia. Still, he couldn't quite believe it was possible. He couldn't just jump to conclusions.

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