Her Butler, Spilling Secrets

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Sebastian noticed Ana's behaviour within the crowd. It looked as though she was hiding behind the other servants because she didn't want to be seen. He frowned softly as he watched her eyeing the Queen and her butler.

His eyes widened a little. He recalled when Ana told him about the Queen's butler Ashe Landers and what he tried to do with her. 'That must be him...' He glanced at the butler before returning his gaze to Ana. He had only ever seen her look so scared like that around dogs.

While everyone was watching the Queen, Ana turned her eyes onto Sebastian to find that he was already looking at her. She could tell he had figured it out and he gave her a curt nod. There was also a gentle smile on his lips, which instantly made her feel safe. She knew that no one could harm her.

Soon, the Queen walked down the red carpet with the aid of her butler as the crowd sang God Save The Queen. As they passed by, Ashe turned his eyes onto Ana through the crowd. Her breath instantly felt trapped in her throat. His eyes met hers for only a second but it felt as though an eternity of torture had passed by. It was as if he could sense her fear and was feeding off it. A predator choosing its prey.

And then he was gone again as he led the Queen to the stage. Ana felt the heavy air lift off of her and she finally took in a deep breath. Sebastian's frown deepened slightly. He caught the eye contact the butler made with her but there was nothing he could do. He would simply have to remain cautious.

"Are you okay, Ana?" Finny asked.
"Huh?" She looked at him and noticed she was clutching his arm. "Oh, sorry!" She quickly let go. "I just felt a little lightheaded. I... I'm fine."
Bard turned to her. "Are you sure? You're looking a little pale."
She nodded. "Yes, don't-" She coughed. "Don't w-"

She coughed again. 'Oh no...'  Pulling out her handkerchief, she held it over her mouth as the cough became harsher. She tried to stay quiet because she didn't want to disturb the competition. Plus, Sebastian had seen her coughing and she couldn't risk him losing concentration. There was blood on the handkerchief but she quickly hid it.

Mey-Rin became worried. "Are you okay, Ana?"
She nodded with a smile. "Yes."

Finny rushed off to get her some water and she looked at Sebastian to see that he wasn't even listening to whatever was happening on the stage. He could smell her blood but she smiled at him to show that she was alright. He wasn't too sure but she mouthed the words 'I'm okay' to him. He sighed quietly and sent her a nod. Whatever was happening, he would have to deal with it later.

When Finny returned, she slowly sipped on the water. Her stomach was aching but she had to put on a brave face for Sebastian. There was no way she could let him lose the competition. Not only that, she could feel Ashe's eyes on her. It had been years since she had seen him and she never expected for him to have such an effect on her. She couldn't understand why she felt so uncomfortable. It wasn't like he could do anything to her in front of so many people. But she recalled another time she felt like that was in Houndsworth whenever Angela was around.

'Are they connected somehow..?'

She wrapped an arm around her stomach as the pain began to subside. It was still there but it was a little more bearable.

'Stay strong, little one.'

After Queen Victoria's butler announced her speech on her behalf, the competition began. Everyone was amazed by Agni's skills as he cooked. They could see the pure talent of his work. But at the same time, they were impressed by Sebastian as he threw various spices into his cooking. The competition became so fierce that Ana forgot all about Ashe and the pain as she cheered Sebastian on. However, Ashe had his eyes on her the whole time.

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