Her Butler, Himself

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(Just a warning that this chapter does have some slightly mature scenes in it. Not a lemon but some heated moments.)

Over dinner, Soma explained that he had travelled to England in search for a woman named Mina. She was his carer and was the only who would looked after him when he was a young boy. A British man apparently kidnapped her and brought her to England, which is why he was so desperate to find her.

Ana could understand his emotion. Although she never really had a family or any friends in the past, there was one man who she had considered to be a friend. He was probably the only one she ever trusted back when she was a journalist. Even then she kept her distance from him. He was an opthalmologist and an inspiring author, which was how they had met in the first place. They lost touch just before she lost her job and became homeless. There were times when she wanted to find him but she decided against it because her faith in humanity had diminished again. At least the prince was searching for the one he lost, the one thing she didn't have the willpower to do until she decided to go to the Phantomhive Manor.


Later that night, Ana's naked body lay on top of Sebastian's own naked body. They had made love and Ana noticed that she didn't get worn out as much as usual so she was able to remain intimate with him instead of falling asleep.

Sebastian smiled contently with his eyes closed, his arms wrapped around her body as her head lay in the crook of his neck. He could feel her breath against his skin while she absentmindedly stoked his jawline with her fingertips. He rubbed small circles on the curve of her back knowing how much it helped her to relax.

"Sebastian?" she called quietly.
"What is your real name?"
"I'm surprised you hadn't ask me sooner."
"I didn't want to offend you..."
"You could never offend me, my dear."
She lifted her head to look at him. "Well?"
He opened his eyes, revealing his fuschia slitted eyes. "Care to hazard a guess? With everything you know of me, someone of your intelligence should have figured it out already."
She traced her fingertip along his collarbone. "Well, I have an idea but I'm not so sure."
"Go on," he prompted as he raked his fingers through her hair.
"Malphas?" she asked unsurely.
He tilted his head slightly. "Tell me what brought you to that conclusion."
She cleared her throat. "Okay, so, I've read some demonological sources in the past that describe Malphas as a mighty Great Prince of Hell, which is what you are, with forty legions of demons under his command and is also second in command under Satan. Also, Malphas is said to build houses, high towers and strongholds, which also makes sense because you built this manor after it was destroyed and you built our home in Provence. And, finally, among many more things, Malphas can bring artificers together from all places of the world. Your brought together Bard, Finny and Mey-Rin to protect the master and the manor." She took a deep breath. "And that is why I believe your real name is Malphas."

Sebastian had been gazing at her as she gave her explanation and he simply could not bring himself to look away. Even blinking was a waste of time to not be viewing her beautiful face. Ana raised a brow, waiting for him to confirm or deny her theory.

He sighed before smiling softly. "It is simply euphoric to hear you speak my name with those lips of yours."
Her eyes lit up as she smiled. "So, I was right?"
"Indeed you are. I expected nothing less from you."
She giggled sweetly. "Do I get a prize?"
He took hold of her hand and brought her fingers to his lips. "And what prize would my angel wish to receive?" he asked before kissing her fingertips.

Sebastian very much knew that when he did that, she was instantly turned on. He took it further by taking her finger into his mouth and circling his tongue around it. He felt her legs shifting as she began to purr softly, their eyes locked together. The way his tongue licked around her finger sent pleasured tingles all the way to her core and between her legs.

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