Her Butler, Decorating

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The chill of winter was beginning to roll over England. As weeks went on, the festivities of Christmas brought a joyous mood to the people of London. Even Ana was excited. It would be the first time she will have celebrated Christmas with others. The few years she actually had her own home she had spent Christmas completely alone.

Sebastian simply adored the joy on her face when he brought a huge tree to the manor. He had told Ciel about Ana never having celebrated Christmas properly before and so he was ordered to decorate the manor. And of course there had to be a tree. She decorated it with the other servants at the top of the first flight of steps. That way it would be the first thing people would see when they entered the manor.

"Perhaps I should sit you at the top of the tree," Sebastian whispered to her as she added a bauble. "It would simply make it more beautiful, don't you agree?"
She blushed as she hid her face. "No... And besides, were not having an angel on top. We're putting a star up there."
"Very well. Then I shall sit you on top of my tree."
Her blush deepened, her eyes widening as she nudged him away. "Sebastian! Shh!" She glanced at the others to make sure they weren't listening. "You're so crude."
He smirked softly and brushed his thumb across her lips. "And you, my dear, are prude."
She gasped in offense. "I am not."
"Oi, lovebirds!" Bard called. "Are you gonna help us here or what?"

Ana quickly moved Sebastian's hand away before turning to search through the box of decorations. She found the large, sparkly star that would top the tree and then gave it to Sebastian.

"Can you place this on top of the tree?" she asked before fluttering her eyelashes at him. "Please?"
He took the star and leaned down to speak into her ear. "Only if you do the thing."
She glanced at the others to make sure they couldn't hear. "Now?"
"Yes please."
"Okay," she sighed. She moved to his ear and did what he loved. "Meow," she mewed just like a kitten.

Sebastian breathed a sigh of pleasure as he closed his eyes and blushed. He couldn't help but smile as he placed a quick kiss on her cheek. She giggled quietly as she watched him crouch down before jumping up high. The others gasped in awe and amazement upon witnessing Sebastian place the star on top of the tree before landing flawlessly onto his feet.

They all applauded, including Ana, as he smiled humbly. Ciel soon arrived as they finished decorating the tree and he was silently impressed.

"Well, I have to admit it actually looks quite pretty," he commented. "I was expecting for it to look like a pile of rubbish."
"It truly gives the manor a true Christmas atmosphere, does it not?" Sebastian asked.
"Yes, it does."
Mey-Rin clapped her hands. "I'm so glad we're celebrating Christmas, yes I am!"
"Me too!" Finny cheered. "Only two more days to go!"
Bard grinned. "I already know what I'm cooking for our special dinner."
Ana smiled excitedly. "I can't wait!"

Sebastian also couldn't help but smile upon seeing Ana so happy. However, he couldn't enjoy it for long as the front doors suddenly burst open. A whizz of blonde hair shot through the foyer and up the stairs straight to Ciel. Ana gasped, her eyes widening as she saw a young girl glomp Ciel and spin him around. Ciel yelled and tried to push her off as the girl giggled ecstatically. Following through the doors was another woman who had brown hair and a hat and she seemed out of breath.

"Lady Elizabeth, please slow down!" she called breathlessly.
"Ciel! It's been such a long time I've seen you!" She stopped spinning him around and held his shoulders. "You never invite me so I thought I'd come myself." Then she suddenly gasped when she saw the tree. "Oh, it's so pretty, Ciel!"
Ciel sighed in exhaustion. "Yes. I'm sorry, Lizzie. I was quite busy. But I wanted the manor to be perfectly decorated so I could invite you for Christmas dinner."
She squealed happily before she gasped again upon seeing Ana. "Oh, hello!" she greeted with a smile. "I've never seen you here before."
Sebastian gave a polite bow. "Allow me to provide the introductions." He first motioned to the young girl. "This is Lady Elizabeth Ethel Cordelia Midford. She is our young lord's fiancé." He turned to the other woman. "And this Paula, a maid of the Midford household." He then turned to Ana. "And this is Anastasia Terra. She is a new maid, working in the manor since last month."
"Oh!" Elizabeth smiled and went to her. "It is so lovely to meet you! And you are just gorgeous!"
Ana smiled warmly before bowing respectfully. "Thank you, Lady Elizabeth. It's an honour to finally meet you."
"You are simply charming!" Her eyes suddenly widened in excitement as her eyes darted between Ana and Sebastian. "Do you know what? You and Sebastian look beautiful together! It's about time Sebastian found love and you are simply perfect for him! What do you say?"

Both Sebastian and Ana found it to be rather ironic. Even the other servants giggled quietly to themselves as Sebastian smirked. He wondered what response Ana would give.

"Well, I..." Ana glanced up at Sebastian before looking at Elizabeth again. "He's really not my type."

The smirk form Sebastian's face dropped and he frowned at her instead. Ciel quite enjoyed the look of betrayal on his face and the other servants chuckled as well. Sebastian shot them a harsh glare and they instantly fell silent before he turned to Elizabeth and put on a smile.

"I have to agree," he said. "She certainly isn't my ideal woman."
Elizabeth seemed extremely disappointed. "Oh, that's such a shame. I honestly thought you were pair made in heaven."
"Never, my lady."
"Come, Lizzie," Ciel called. "We'll have tea in the conservatory. Sebastian."
"Right away, young master," he said with a bow.

After they left to the conservatory, the others went with Paula to decorate the rest of the manor. Once they were alone, Ana turned to Sebastian as she bit her lower lip and wiggled her eyebrows at him whilst he continued to look at her completely annoyed.

She held his shoulders and tiptoed to whisper in his ear. "I love it when you're angry."

Smirking mischievously, she looked at his face again before turning to leave. However, Sebastian took hold of her wrist and she turned back to him. There was a smirk on his face too, his eyes glowing pink.

"I'll get you back for that little game of yours," he said dangerously.

A shiver ran down her spine and by the time she blinked, he was gone. Now Ana had to wait and see what he was going to do and, honestly, she was both afraid and excited.


Post-afternoon lunch, Elizabeth and Paula left the manor. Ciel was reading a book in the library as part of his studies and Bard, Finny and Mey-Rin were in the kitchen.

"Hey, has anyone seen Ana?" Finny asked. "I haven't seen her since lunch was served."
"Oh, yeah," Bard said. "Now that you mention it, I haven't seen Sebastian either."
Mey-Rin's face suddenly turned red. "I shouldn't have such thoughts! It's so bad, yes it is!"
Finny tilted her head. "What do you mean?"

Suddenly, they could feel the manor shaking. In the library, Ciel even looked up from his book and saw the crystals of the chandelier jingling.

"What the bloody hell is going on?!" he seethed.

The servants rushed into the library to check on their master. Ciel stood from his seat and looked at them in surprise.

"It's not you making all that commotion?" he asked in shock.
"No. But we have to get you out of here!" Bard yelled. "Come on!"
"Wait." Ciel frowned. "Where is Sebastian?"

The shaking suddenly stopped, literally a minute after it started. And then, Sebastian entered the library with a calm smile on his face.

Ciel stormed over to him. "Where the hell were you?!'
"I was...making something," he answered cryptically.
"What were you making that caused a bloody earthquake?!"
Sebastian placed a hand on his chest and bowed slightly. "I apologise, young master. It is not yet complete."
Ciel sighed out of frustration. "And where is Anastasia?"
"She isn't feeling well, so she will be out of commission for a short while."

Meanwhile, in Sebastian's own room, Ana was fast asleep and completely naked under the sheets. She had well and truly received her punishment.

(Sorry for any spelling mistakes and what not. I haven't checked through it. I'll be moving onto the actual anime again soon. I just enjoy doing these random fillers sometimes because they're quicker for me to write.)

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