Her Butler, Failing

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After Sebastian left her room, Ana sat on the bed and stared at the opposite empty wall. It wasn't right for her to be so harsh towards him but he somehow managed to take her back to a time she wanted to forget, albeit unintentionally. However, she hated that he managed to get into her mind. If she hadn't built a barrier around her heart and mind, she would have let him in. And she still almost did.

She couldn't let him into her mind. She couldn't let her defences fall. 'Beware of him, Ana. That Sebastian is a sneaky one. It doesn't matter how handsome he is. Keep your distance.'

Her stomach began growling and she needed to get something to eat. Finally, she wouldn't have to rummage through bins or beg for food. Leaving her room, and praying she didn't bump into Sebastian, she made her way to th6 kitchen and helped herself to some of the leftovers from dinner.

The moment that piece of roast chicken touched her tongue, her taste buds literally came back from the dead. She almost swooned at how delicious the chicken was. It was the best thing she had ever eaten, as far as she could remember. It was as if she had forgotten what proper food tasted like. She closed her eyes and swayed from side to side, savouring the flavour in her mouth.

Sebastian was walking down the hallway way at that point and he noticed the kitchen door was open. Going to check, he came to a stop outside the door. He watched in amusement as she danced with her eyes closed. However, he didn't announce his arrival straight away. It was quite entertaining to see her that way. It was only after a few minutes that he decided it was long enough so he finally spoke.

"Enjoying that, are we?"

She gasped and quickly stopped, opening to see Sebastian standing at the doorway. She pursed her lips in annoyance, huffing slightly upon seeing the amused smirk on his face. With a huff, she walked past him out of the kitchen and made her way towards her room. Sebastian continued to watch her even as she glanced back at him. She took a victorious bite out of her piece of chicken before turning away again.

Sebastian shook his head. "What an odd woman she is." He sighed before pulling out his pocket watch. "Well, I best prepare for tomorrow. She's already wasted half an hour of my time."


The next day after breakfast was served, Ana received her uniform. She absolutely loved it. It was completely identical to Mey-Rin's. Keeping her hair in a low bun, she tied the hat on top of her head leaving the shorter strands of her hair to frame her face. She felt like she truly belonged to a team and she loved it and she got to work as if it was the most fun she had ever had in her life.

Ciel was currently relaxing in the lounge with a book. It wasn't very common for him to get some time off but he did try to find time out of his day to get some rest. Sebastian was also there, lightly dusting the shelves and furniture. However, annoyingly, his mind was on the new maid.

He saw her earlier wiping down the banisters and making them shine with a smooth sheen. Yet for some reason, he felt frustration towards her. He didn't know what it was. Simply her presence seemed to seep all the life out of him.

"So, tell me," Ciel began as he finished a chapter of his book. "How is the new girl doing?"
Sebastian sighed quietly. "She is doing rather well. She's taken hold of the ropes quite nicely. Although I'm still not sure it was necessary to hire her."
"Why does it still bother you so much?"
"We were perfectly capable without her, my lord. Mey-Rin was fully able to carry out her duties," Sebastian said, trying to argue his case.
Ciel closed his eyes. "Well, it's a big house. An extra pair of hands is surely welcomed." He opened his eyes and looked at his butler. "You hate her, don't you?"
Sebastian smiled. "I wouldn't go that far."
Ciel breathed out. "It's something you will have to get used to. Now bring me my afternoon tea."
"Yes, my Lord," he said with a bow.

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