Her Butler, Serving

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The incident had made Sebastian and Ana become even closer, if it was even possible. He spent more time with her during the night as well. He used to stay with her until she fell asleep and then got on with his nightly duties. But now he stayed with her throughout the night. Nothing was more special to him than watching her sleep so peacefully.

As a couple of weeks went by, Ana herself was feeling stronger. She wasn't feeling any pain at all and she put it down to their love growing stronger. Sebastian had even noticed the change and became more lenient with her doing jobs around the manor. She was currently cleaning in the library when Sebastian entered.

"Ah, there you are," he said as he made his way to her.
She glanced at him and raised a brow. "Why are you acting like you've been searching everywhere for me? You knew I was here."
He smiled. "Sometimes I like to pretend to be a human."
She laughed. "How can I help you?"
"Do you know of a man named Charles Phipps?"
"Hmm..." She continued to dust the books. "He's one of the Queen's Private Secretarial Officers, right? What about him?"
"He and Charles Grey were just here moments ago. Charles Phipps in particular asked about you."
She stopped dusting and looked at him again. "Really? How did he know I was here?"
"Apparently the Queen's butler Ashe Landers mentioned it after the curry contest." He tilted his head. "Well? Why does this Charles Phipps fellow have a keen interest in you?"
Ana sighed and shook her head with a light smile. "It's going to sound ridiculous."
He gently held her chin and made her look at him. "I won't laugh."
She breathed out softly. "Well, during the time I visited Buckingham Palace, I met Phipps and Grey. But when I saw Phipps, I noticed that he had a mark similar to mine but on the other side," she said as she tapping on her beauty mark with her finger. "I... I was so desperate to find family that I... I thought he was my brother or some sort of relative." She laughed wryly. "It was so embarrassing. Instead of asking if he had any missing siblings, I asked him straight up without thinking if he was my brother. Obviously he said no and then that was that. I never saw him again."

Sebastian gazed at her with a softness that even Ana had never seen before. Despite being the prince of hell, he felt for Ana's search for family. She was alone for so long and he felt sorry for her. He knew she never wanted pity but he only wished that he could have saved her from her life of sadness.

She shook her head and continued to smile. "So, why were they here anyway?" she asked to change the subject.
"We are to hold a party for Georg von Siemens."
"Um, who?"
"He is a businessman and the honorary director of the Bamberger Bank. He is a central figure in the expansion and advancement of Germany's heavy industries," he answered.
"Okay. And why?"
"Because the Queen wishes it." He sighed deeply. "Honestly, these humans are all a bunch of-"
"Yes, I know," she laughed lightly. "And when is the party to take place?"
"Two weeks from now. We must prepare for his arrival and I will be doing some research on him so that the young lord can invite people who will interest him."
"Why can't the Queen just hold the party for him?"
"The lord believes she wishes to test him. I simply believe she's just an old hag who has nothing better to do."
Ana tutted. "Stop doing that."
"What?" he asked, acting innocent.

She just shook her head with a roll of her eyes.

It wasn't long before preparations began. Invites were made to certain people and all Ana knew was that the guests would be coming for a short stay at the manor.

As the days went on, the weather became more and more miserable. It wasn't anything shocking, of course. The weather in England was usually dull and bleak with dark, heavy clouds looming across the sky. As the evening of the party arrived, it began to rain.

Guests began arriving one by one, all greeted in the entrance hall. People included were Mr Lau, Ran Mao, Karl Woodley, Patrick Phelps, Irene Diaz, Grimsby Keane and Arthur Conan Doyle. They all spoke amongst themselves in the foyer as they waited for Ciel to arrive.

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