Her Butler, Teasing

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That night, Ana couldn't stop herself from thinking about Sebastian. She tossed and turned in bed but nothing worked. The way he listened to her, his eyes watching her as she told him her story, the focused attention she received for all of the right reasons. He didn't seem to be like other humans at all. There was no deceit in his eyes, no intent to hurt her. He made her feel special. That was something she had never felt before.

She couldn't quite believe it. When she first met him, she couldn't stand him. And now she began to crave his presence where she felt safe.

'Why is this happening to me..?'

That night, Sebastian was thinking about Ana as well. 'If she had called for help as Master Ciel had done, would I have gone to her?' Usually humans called for help, especially in the situation she had been in. She was indeed different to other humans but he wondered if she would have had anything to bargain with. Even still, he had just vowed to protect her without asking for anything in return. He was not obliged to protect her yet he still felt the desire to.

With a sigh, he smirked to himself as his eyes glowed pink. "Oh, dear Anastasia. What are you doing to me? Honestly, a human of all beings. In all these millennia, it just had to be you."


The next morning was extremely uneventful. Ana stuck with Mey-Rin, Finny and Bard and none of them were enjoying their so-called holiday. They sat in the garden completely and absolutely bored out of their minds.

"This has gotta be the worst holiday ever," Bard complained as he lay slumped down on a wooden crate.
"The worst, yes it is," Mey-Rin whined.
Ana sighed. "I agree."
"What's the matter?" came Sebastian's voice.

Upon seeing him approach, Ana tried her best to behave normally and act as though she wasn't thinking about him all night. She awkwardly lowered her gaze whilst the others looked directly at him. Of course, Sebastian noticed but kept a smile on his face.

"You were so excited on the way here," he said.
"Yeah, well, that was before," Bard replied tiredly.
"Don't look so gloomy." He then held up a blanket and a picnic basket. "We're on holiday. It's a time meant for relaxing."

The three of them gasped as their faces lit up. Even Ana couldn't help but smile in excitement. She had never been on a picnic before. It was agreed that they would all be going down to the lake so they rushed inside to grab their swimming costumes. All except for Ana and so she was left alone with Sebastian.

It wasn't as if it was the first time she had been alone with him but she suddenly didn't know how to be in front of him. Sebastian noticed her nerves as well as he watched her standing there rubbing her arm. He decided it was up to him to cut through her nerves as he placed the picnic basket and planner down on the crate.

"Did you sleep well?" he asked her.
She finally looked up at him. "Oh, yes. Yes, I did. Did you?"
He couldn't help but smirk a little. "I wasn't all that tired."
"I see you're not as excited about swimming as the others."
She shook her head. "I'm not. Besides, I'm sure no one would like to see a skinny little nobody in a bathing suit."
He smiled at her gently. "Well, if it's any consolation, you are looking far more healthier and radiant than when you first appeared at the manor."
"Do you really think so?"
He placed his hand on his chest and bowed ever so slightly. "I would never lie to you, my dear."

Ana was slightly taken aback by his behaviour towards her. Ever since the previous night, their attitudes and thoughts about each other had changed dramatically. Sebastian had thought her to be just another human he would have to deal with. He felt a natural repel against her at first. But now there was something drawing him towards her.

Ana smiled softly. "Since when did you start calling me 'my dear'?"
"It's an affectionate term, is it not? If you don't like it, I'm happy to call you something else."
"No, no, no. My dear is fine." She mentally slapped herself and quickly shook her head with a nervous laugh. "No, what I mean is why are you calling me that?"
He took a step closer to her. "Let's just say," he leaned down a little closer to her face, "you're growing on me."

Ana had to lean back a little because his face was so close to hers. She could almost feel his breath against her skin and it sent delightful shivers throughout her body. His eyes were so alluring, causing her to blush madly.

"I... I see," she replied awkwardly.

Sebastian couldn't help but smirk softly at her reaction. She had become so flustered and he found it to be quite adorable. Ana could suddenly hear the others returning and out of panic, she held his face and pushed him up. Sebastian was both surprised and confused by her actions but he didn't question it. Unfortunately for Ana, she wasn't quick enough as the others arrived and saw her holding his face. Her eyes widened, letting go of his face and laughing awkwardly. The other three blinked, all of them getting the wrong idea.

'Sebastian and Rose?' Finny thought before smiling. 'They really suit each other.'
Bard's jaw dropped. 'Sebastian and Rose?! Seriously?!'
Mey-Rin's nose began to bleed. 'Oh, I wish I was as confident as Rose! I can't believe she's kissed Sebastian!'

Sebastian sighed and turned to them. "What are the three of you gawking at?"
Bard was pointing between the two of them. "Did... D-Did the two of you j-j-just-"
"Come now, Bardroy." Sebastian then smiled suspiciously. "One must never kiss and tell."

Ana's jaw dropped at that point as she stared at him. She began stuttering, wanting to deny it but no words were forming. And then Sebastian took the picnic things and began walking away.

"Hurry now. The master is waiting," he said before returning inside.

Ana turned to the other three before they jumped towards her, all peering at her with awaiting expressions on their faces.  She blinked a few times and held her hands up.

"Did you?" Bard asked.
"No! Sebastian is messing with you!"
"Are you sure about that?" Mey-Rin interrogated.
Finny smiled. "Well, I think it's sweet."
Ana looked at him. "Thank you, Finny, but we did NOT kiss!" She then walked away from them as well. "I don't even like Sebastian. He's annoying, pretentious, and waaay too perfect if you ask me. Now let's drop it and go swimming."

She disappeared into the castle leaving the other three standing there.

Bard held his chin. "They so kissed."
"Yep," Finny agreed.
"Mhm!" Mey-Rin nodded.

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