Her Butler, Loyal

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The thought played on Ana's mind ever since she saw the records. But she never showed it to the others. She stayed her normal, cheerful self in front of them. It helped to ease the pain and she would forget about it whenever she was with them. But when she was alone at night, she couldn't sleep.

The next day, she and the others were helping Finny in the garden. Ana recalled the conversation with Elizabeth about loyalty and decided to seek some advice.

"Remember when you were talking about Sebastian being loyal and all that," she began.
"Yeah. What about it?" Bard asked.
"I was wondering what someone might do in that situation."
Mey-Rin stopped sweeping and looked at her. "What do you mean?"
Ana smiled a little and shrugged casually. "Well, if someone ever found out that their partner was cheating on them, how would one react in that situation?"
Finny tilted his head. "Did Sebastian cheat on you?"
Ana quickly shook her head. "No, I'm just asking."
Bard held up his fist. "You better tell us if he did because I'll knock the lights outta him."
"No, no!" Ana waved her hands and sighed. "I'm just curious. Obviously I've never heard of something like that. I didn't know there was such a thing as being loyal to one person. How would it feel to someone?"

The others looked at each other. They knew of Ana's past. Those types of men slept with anyone no matter if they were in a relationship or not and to her it was normal for men to sleep with multiple people.

"I guess different people react in different ways," Bard said. "Some people cry, some get angry, some people eventually forgive."
"Oh... Well, how would you guys react?"
"Being cheated on isn't nice for anyone," Finny said. "If something like that happened to me, I'd be right upset."
"I'd be well pissed off," Bard answered.
Mey-Rin nodded. "It would be heartbreaking, yes it would!"
Ana nodded at their responses. "But what if you expected it from them."
Bard shrugged. "Hey, it doesn't matter how prepared you are for it. If the love of your life sleeps with someone else, it's gonna hurt. It may be normal but it doesn't make it right."
"I see... And would any of you choose to stay in the relationship?"
"No," they all answered together.
Mey-Rin continued sweeping. "I suppose no one knows what it feels like unless it's happened to them. What would you do, Ana?"
She looked down. "I don't know..."


Another two days had passed since she witnessed what was on the record. The emotions were all still so raw. She didn't want to get out of bed that morning and, thankfully, no one came to disturb her. That was until Sebastian entered.

She quickly closed her eyes and pretended to sleep. She could hear Sebastian close the door and put his suitcase down before making his way over to the bed. She felt the bed dip slightly as he sat down beside her and then his gentle touch as he brushed his fingers through her hair. Part of her wanted to slap his hand away but the other part of her wanted to fall into his arms and pretend that she saw nothing.

"I know you're awake," he spoke softly.
She sighed and looked at him. "I'm still a terrible actress."
He smiled at her warmly. "How are you feeling? I was expecting for you to jump on me as I walked in."

She gazed up at him. It was what she wanted to do originally but she couldn't be happy. Moving his hand away, she sat up and avoided his gaze by staring at her lap. Whatever happened, she didn't want to lose him but it was just so difficult to show her love and how much she missed him. Sebastian frowned a little. He had missed her terribly while he was away and he couldn't wait to get back to her. But she was being distant from him.

"What is it, Anastasia?"
She closed her eyes and hid her face in her hands. "I saw what you did..." She breathed out shakily. "With the woman named Molly."
His brows furrowed slightly. "How did you see that?"
"Some circus people came to manor one night and they were disposed of. Grell-"
"Grell," he growled under his breath. "That good for nothing."
She dropped her hands and glared at him. "Trust me, he was as horrified as I was. At least I saw the truth. You wouldn't have told me otherwise."
He breathed out and dropped his head a little to the side, making his hair fall slightly. "I was going to tell you," he said in a quieter tone.
She looked up at him. "Were you really?"

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