Her Butler, Listening

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When Lord Barrymore arrived, they found out that the demon hound had punished the man because he had one more dog than was legally allowed. It was an insignificant reason to kill someone but Barrymore said that it was inevitable. He argued that the demon hound protected his family and that anyone who dared go against it would be punished. Then the villagers began chanting again as the body was taken to be buried.

Barrymore turned back to the group. "I was sure you outsiders were going to be its next prey. You were lucky to have escaped."

He then walked away followed by Angela.

"Well, master?" Sebastian asked.
Ciel frowned softly. "We continue on with our mission. Everyone go back to the castle and get some rest."
Mey-Rin, Finny and Bard nodded. "Yes, master!"

Sebastian looked back down at Ana. She was still clutching onto his sleeve although it seemed that she had stopped shaking. However, her eyes were glued to where the man's dead body was found. As the others began making their way back, Sebastian stayed with her.


She jumped slightly and teared her gaze away from the ground to look up at Sebastian. His deep red eyes bore into her hazel ones as if he was trying to search her soul.

"Y-yes?" she stuttered.
He smiled. "Shall we return to the castle? You can continue to hold my sleeve if you want. I don't mind."

She was confused for a second before she realised she was actually holding onto his sleeve. Blushing out of embarrassment, she quickly let go.

"I-I'm sorry..."
"Don't be."

He motioned with his hand for her to walk ahead and he followed closely behind. They quickly caught up with the others and made their way back to the castle. While Ana tried to forget the situation and return to normal, Sebastian had grown more curious about her. He and Ciel were not 100% certain that the files they found were actually about her. However, with the way she acted only made Sebastian believe it was her.

The psychological effects of the trauma she had gone through were still as strong as they were when they were instilled into her. And as much as they both had a natural barrier between them, she still went to him for a sense of safety. Also Sebastian couldn't deny that, although ever so slightly, he had a desire to help her.

When they returned to the castle, Sebastian went to make sure Ciel had everything he needed before he went to sleep. Once that was done, he went straight down to Ana.

Ana was finding it difficult to fall asleep. Mey-Rin was already zonked out but Ana was sitting up. Her mind went back to her behaviour earlier. Out of all people to go to, she went to Sebastian. Ever since she met the man a few days ago, she had a natural dislike towards him as he did towards her. She couldn't understand why she went to him. But her fear of dogs made her do the silliest things. She still couldn't believe she was in a village that was full of dogs; the animal she feared more than anything.

A quiet knock at the door knocked her out of her thoughts. Climbing off the bed, she went and answered it. Opening the door just a little, she was surprised to see Sebastian standing there.

"Are you lost?" she asked.
He smiled softly. "No. I'm here to speak with you."
"Okay," she said, slightly confused.

She stepped out of the room and quietly closed the door behind her. Lifting her gaze up at him, she looked into his eyes and instantly wished she hadn't. There was something different about them that felt like she was being sucked in and she quickly had to avert her gaze.

"What did you want to talk about?" she asked.
"I just wanted to check up on you," he told her. "You were extremely frightened earlier."
She breathed out softly. "I'm fine. Like I said, I'm scared of dogs."
"But this isn't a normal level of fear, now is it? It's much bigger."

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