Her Butler, Following Tradition

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Ana was just getting ready for the day. Sebastian had gotten her uniform ready and went to prepare her breakfast. She told him not to undergo any trouble but he insisted and she couldn't refuse that adorable pout of his. Sometimes she just wanted to punch him in his perfect face.

Just as she tied on her apron, he returned with a tray of her breakfast; scones with mascarpone and homemade jam alongside her favourite coffee. Whilst Ana tied back her hair, he placed the tray on the desk and made his way to her. He stood to her side, holding his chin as he eyed her up and down.

"You look extremely ravishing today, Anastasia," he commented. "Even more so than usual. You're glowing."
Her cheeks warmed as she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "Thank you. Though I don't feel any different."
He reached down and placed his hand on her stomach. "The baby is growing well."
She smiled, slightly brushing down her apron. "The bump is so much more accentuated with this on. It makes it seem more real."
"Soon, you will feel her move."
"I can't wait. But there's still a year and a half before we get to meet her," she pouted sadly.
"I promise the time will go quickly." He kissed the top of her head. "Six months has already gone by since we first discovered your pregnancy."
"That's true." She sighed dramatically. "Then I suppose you don't mind waiting 18 months to make love."

His right eye twitched. A year and a half was a long time not to make love to her but he had never thought about it before. Now that she had stated it aloud, it made it all too real.

"I... I can wait. I'm not some sex driven demon. I have great control over my urges."
She knew that he was lying. "Good." She played with his tie. "I'm glad you'll be able to cope."
He held her waist. "But now that you mention it, 18 months is a long time to meet my child."
She raised a brow and laughed. "Oh? Really now? I thought that time was just a speck on our lifetimes," she mimicked what he had told her before.
He narrowed his eyes, slightly glaring at her. "Silent. You shouldn't speak to your husband that way."
"We're not married," she stated obviously.
"We will be soon," he said, which confused her slightly. He continued, "Upon learning that we are technically engaged, Lady Elizabeth has spoken to our young lord about arranging our wedding. She is here right now discussing the details and they wish for us to join them."
She blinked quickly a few times. "Are you being serious? A wedding? For us?" she asked in disbelief.
He smiled. "Of course."

She glanced away from him for a short while. She recalled Sebastian doing the proposal but she didn't think he was serious about it. It was just a way to draw men away from her. She returned her gaze to him, still looking a little confused.

"I thought you didn't believe in weddings and marriages," she said.
"That is true. You and I are soulmates and thus there is no need to prove it to the world. We celebrate our love with this," he told her as he placed his hand on her bump. "This is all the symbol I need."
"Then we should stop them."
"But I want this."
Her brows furrowed in confusion. "You do?"
"To Lady Elizabeth, it's a celebration of our love but also to uphold the Phantomhive name. It would be a bad image if it becomes publicly known that two of the servants are having a child out of wedlock. They would brand the young lord as irresponsible." He smiled and held her face. "But for me, it's a chance to make one more of your dreams come true. You once told me that you used to dream of getting married. I wish to do this for you and it would make me incredibly happy if you agreed."

It was true that she had always wanted to have a wedding, a beautiful dress and everything else that came with it. After her relationship grew with Sebastian, she agreed with the notion that a ceremony wasn't necessary. However, now that the opportunity was in front of her, she was excited.

"Well? Do you still want to marry me?"
She smiled brightly. "I would love to."

Placing her hands on his chest, she tiptoed up and kissed him sweetly. Before he could deepen the kiss, she pulled away. He frowned looking annoyed which made her giggle.

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