Her Butler, Resting

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They had been back at the manor for a couple of days after the incident on the Campania. Sebastian was still on the road to recovery but the Undertaker's death scythe caused him a lot of damage. Ana remained by his side at all times as he rested on the bed.

It was as if their roles were reversed. Sebastian slept to speed up his healing whilst Ana watched over him. He remained topless, a request from himself so that she could keep an eye on his wound while he was sleeping.

She tried her best to heal him, concentrating her own healing powers to the palm of her hand. She managed to accumulate the power where she wanted but, unfortunately, it seemed to reject him. After many attempts, she gave up. He would still be able to heal but it would take longer than she would have liked.

As she sat beside him, she read the morning's paper. The headline surprised her.

Are they among us?

"Uh oh..."

She read on. It spoke of numerous people seeing an angel, wings and all, flying through the sky and scooping up survivors and carrying them to safety. One witness apparently said that the angel's appearance brought them hope. However, many people were sceptical and said people saw what they wanted to see due to the situation they were in.


She quickly put the paper down and looked at Sebastian. He was looking up at her weakly and she gently cupped his cheek.

"How are you feeling?" she asked.
"Tired. And I don't like it."
She smiled softly. "Can I get you anything?"
He shook her head. "Having you here is enough for me."
"You're so cheesy," she joked. "I need to show you something."

She lifted up the newspaper so he could read the front page. His brows furrowed in surprise.

"This isn't good," he said.
"Why not?" she asked, putting it back down. "People will know that they're not alone."
"I don't care about the humans. They can't hurt you."
She raised a brow. "What do you mean?"
"This is just a theory, but," he sighed, "before your powers were awakened, you were untraceable. Now that your powers are surfacing, the angels will be able to track your every move. With the revelation of angels on earth, it won't sit well with the heavens. I'm sure the last thing they want is earthly beings becoming too friendly with angels."
She rolled her eyes. "You worry too much. This is one incident and I'm certain they don't give a flying rat's ass about me."
"If they see the rate in which your powers are increasing, they'll be giving all the flying rat's asses about you." He lifted his hand and brushed his fingers across her cheek. "I do not wish for any harm to befall you."
"I understand. I shall be more careful." She looked down at his wound and gently brushed a finger over it. "It's healing quite well."
"On the outside, yes. However, the process takes longer internally."
"Wouldn't it be easier if you were in your true form?"

Sebastian fell silent. It was true. The healing process would be a lot faster if he was in his true form. It would still take at least two days but in his human form, he predicted being in bed for another five.

Ana raised a brow at him. "Mal."
He sighed. "Okay, okay. Yes, it would be a lot faster to heal."
"So, do it."
"I...don't want to."
"Because it would mean being away from you for at least two days since you cannot see my true form. One, I do not wish to leave you alone. And two..." He smiled and cupped her cheek. "I rather enjoy you taking care of me."
She blushed softly and gave a shy smile. "Yes, well, don't get too used to it." She lay down beside him, keeping one hand over his wound as she rested her head on his chest. "I give you permission to stay."
"Thank you." He breathed out heavily, placing an arm around her shoulders. "I apologise, I will be falling asleep once again."
"It's alright. I'll be here when you wake up."

Two Steps From Hell | Sebastian MichaelisWhere stories live. Discover now