Her Butler, Transformed

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The black energy from the departed were providing Ashe/Angela with power. By the time Ana arrived to the top of the bridge, their supply was being cut off and the souls trapping Sebastian had been released. She landed on the bridge beside Ciel and retracted her wings.

He looked at her in shock. It was the first time he had seen her with her wings and the first time seeing her since the day she went shopping.

"Ana!" he gasped.
She smiled and crouched down to him. "Are you okay?" She suddenly saw that he was wounded. "You're hurt..."
"I'm fine." He gritted his teeth. "That thing..."
"Yes, I know." She stood and looked at Ashe. "A fallen angel."
"Anastasia," Sebastian called. "How lovely of you to join us."
"Well, I promised, didn't I?" Her eyes suddenly widened as she gasped. "Your arm!"

His left arm had been cut off and he held onto what was left has he bled. She had seen him severely wounded before but never to the point that he had lost a limb.

"It's alright, my dear. It will grow back," he assured her. "Now, I want you to stay with the young master."
She nodded. "I will."

As much as she wanted to help him, that was his fight. He would kill the angel and only then could he finally eat.

"Blasted reapers!" Ashe yelled. "How dare they presume to interfere with our sacred ceremony!"
"Yes, what a pity. I suppose we're all going to miss out on that purity of yours." He smiled. "So, now then. Shall we continue our fight?"
Ashe huffed. "I had hoped to spend longer with you. So much for that."

He placed his fingers in his mouth and whistled. He was calling for Pluto. However, there was no response.

"Where is that cursed demon hound?!"
"Unfortunately for you, Pluto has been relieved from his duties," Ana informed.

Ashe's eyes widened and Sebastian smirked.

"You did it," he said softly. "Well done."

Ana knew he was speaking of the servants. They usually messed up or failed every task Sebastian would give them but they finally completed something.

Ashe began to tremble. "It's useless." He began flying up. "Everyone is useless. Useless. Useless. I must purify them all. I must PURIFY!"

Sebastian quickly turned and ran towards Ciel and Ana.

Ashe and Angela began to switch as they yelled. "TASTE THE FLAMES OF HELL!"

From the wings came hundreds of feathers, shooting down towards them like bullets. Even with one arm, Sebastian was able to grab both Ciel and Ana to protect them, shielding them with his own body. They landed on the metal of the bridge but Ana was able to spread her wings in time to cushion their landing. Her wings were wrapped around the three of them, acting as a barrier from any further attacks.

Ciel lay beside her on top of her wing and opened his eyes to see just pure white all around them. It was a complete contrast to the dark, fiery hell on the other side of those wings. Sebastian lifted himself above them with only his one arm to support him. His left arm continued to drip blood, landing on Ana's dress. Not only that, she realised she was too late and some feathers had managed to hit him in the back.

"I do apologise for bleeding all over you, my dear," he said. "Is the baby okay?"
She nodded. "The baby is fine. She's a strong one. And I think my dress is the least of my worries right now." She sighed softly. "You're hurt..."
"I'm alright." He smiled gently and then looked at Ciel. "Young master, if I may I'd ask a favour. Please close your eyes."
He was confused. "But why?"
"I am your butler. It is not acceptable to damage my master's image of me. Until I give the word, please close them."
"Yes, I'll do it," he said.
Sebastian then looked at Ana. "Anastasia, you know very well that you are not to even take a peek."
She took a deep breath and nodded. "I understand."

Two Steps From Hell | Sebastian MichaelisWhere stories live. Discover now