Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

    "Lin Xian, warn you, you are coming over now, it's still too late." The male voice on the opposite side carried a lofty and arrogant arrogance that controlled his life and death.

    "Come over?"

    A young girl with long straight black hair, she glanced sideways at the name on the phone screen-Yiliming?

    She can't even remember the name. Now Lin Xian can laugh out loud and ask arrogantly: "What are you?"

    The man opposite obviously didn't expect a woman to talk like this. This curse directly stunned him. Up.

    He couldn't even believe what he heard. The woman knelt at his feet yesterday, crying and letting him let her go. Unexpectedly, I dared to miss the press conference this morning and even said such arrogant words.

    He was about to curse a few words, and the other side had hung up the phone.


    The weather in April was still warm and cold. Lin Xian grabbed the only mobile phone in her hand and stood in the busy street.

    There are bustling people all around, housewives who rush to buy breakfast, parents who send their children to school, and elderly people who get up early to exercise.

    In addition to vegetable vendors on both sides of the road, there are also early ones.

    This lively street scene and noise all swear a true part of the city.

    Lin Xian's gaze finally fell on an early stall selling meat dumplings on the right hand side...

    Thoughts slowly drifted away...

    She never thought that she would actually be able to come back alive.

    On the most difficult night in her life, she was summoned away and entered 10 world reincarnations. Among the 10 worlds, the last one is called Infinity.

    The world of infinite horror, however, she still survived.

    She has come back! She Lin Xian returned to her own world, thinking of this, Lin Xian raised her head slightly and closed her eyes to feel it. The breeze lifted the ends of her hair, this is the wind of freedom, this is the air of happiness.

    There are no crises, no sinister hearts.

    Before leaving this world, Lin Xian was a timid girl. In those few months, she was exposed to "fraud" and was forced to bind her to "seduce". Even her teammates were hacked, and she could only escape the name "Water Army" she was looking for.

    Because of the black material one after another, the Seven-Day Girls Group she belongs to has really become popular on Weibo.

    She Lin Xian laid a solid foundation of popularity for the countdown to the final solo flight of the Seven-Day Girl Group.

    In the eyes of the former Lin Xian, all of these things were the mountains that overwhelmed her. Out of breath, unable to move the weight.

    She cried silently in the dead of night, and hugged herself alone in an empty dormitory.

    However, these are of no avail. She was getting thinner day by day, and the rumors and rumors on the Internet were not something weak, she could bear.

    After taking bottle after bottle of medicine for depression, she eventually broke down the night before the press conference.

    Yiliming called her to apologize at the press conference the next day. How is this different from admitting all kinds of crimes?

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