Chapter 115

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Chapter 115

    When Xiang Jun came out of the office, he was still very dreamy.

    As soon as he left the company, he quickly took out his mobile phone to search for the company. Not to mention, he soon discovered that Sunyield's now well-known boss in the country only owns 21% of the company's actual shares.

    The bigger the company, the more shareholders. It is hard to get 21%, but Sunyield Group does have more shareholders than this 21%.

    Xiang Jun put away his mobile phone and leaned against the car window, thinking dreamily, it turns out that Sunyield's real major shareholder is Wen Shuo!

    Wen Shuo?

    The discarded chess piece from Wen's family, the discarded piece sent abroad as an adult, actually invested in Xinyi only two years after going abroad.

    Xinyineng has today's scale, and the initial investment was by no means a small figure.

    How long did Wen Shuo go abroad at that time? 2 years? 20 years old.

    After Xiang Jun returned to Xiang's house, Xiang's father asked him: "How about talking to him today?"

    Xiang Jun smiled triumphantly: "I invited him to my wedding..."

    Xiang's father was dumbfounded at that time: "?" "?" Are you fucking going to someone's company and inviting them to your wedding? So what are you doing so aggressively?

    Xiang Jun snapped his fingers and was even more proud: "He also agreed."

    Xiang's father suddenly became even more confused: "..." No, why did he agree to attend the wedding of his former fiancée? Isn't this wrong?


    On the other side, Wen Shuni ran back to Wen's house because of this huge news, and told her elder brother exactly what she had done.

    When Wen Yongming heard the news, his whole body was dumbfounded.

    "What are you talking about? Wen Shuo has shares in Xinyi?"

    Wen Shuni was also shocked at this time, her eyes still a little sluggish. It is hard to imagine that a person like Wen Shuo will eventually become an existence beyond the reach of the entire Wen family.

    Also because it is really unimaginable, Wen Yongming sneered after hearing this: "How is it possible?"

    What investment does he rely on? When he was sent abroad, he was not given much money.

    Eating and living is not a problem, but it is definitely a joke to say that you want to invest in business.

    "Are you sure you heard it right?"

    Wen Shuni nodded affirmatively: "Even if I heard it wrong, can my mother hear it wrong? Wen Shuo is indeed developed, and more advanced than us."

    Wen Yongming believed this in her heart . However, after I believe it, this fact is even more unacceptable.

    Being surpassed by the most despised person is really not a good thing. Moreover, this transcendence is not a bit of a star.

    Just imagine now that the Wen Group has encountered such a thing again.

    Wen Yongming suddenly thought of another point, if Wen Shuo is really a major shareholder of Sunyield. Not to mention money, this power is certainly not small.

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