Chapter 74

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Chapter 74

    Probably Zhang Shaocheng is really sure, and he may have also investigated the feelings of various shareholders on Wenshuo in advance.

    Therefore, when he saw that the total number of shareholders who voted on the screen had stopped at 42.7%, the smile on his face was too late and froze on his face.

    He frowned and stared at the number of votes for a while, then turned his head to look at the more than 10 shareholders sitting at this table, and said incredulously, "Which ones voted against?"

    Wen Shuo chuckled lightly." It's okay, you can continue to canvass for votes."

    Zhang Shaocheng looked at Wen Shuo as if everything was under control, gritted his teeth and said to the major shareholders: "I'll let Miss Bai Youming come in and talk." Mr.

    Wang and the others also turned. Looking at the surrounding shareholders, this unexpected result also made them look suspicious.

    Soon, Zhang Shaocheng went out and called for someone.

    During this waiting time, everyone turned their heads to look around, as if to determine who did not vote. Naturally, he couldn't see anything, so he turned his head to look at Wen Shuo who was sitting next to him.

    Wen Shuo just sat there all the time, with a calm face as if it was not himself who had almost been thrown out just now.

    After a while, Zhang Shaocheng opened the door with Bai Youming and came in.

    This is Bai Youming's first time attending a shareholder meeting. She follows Zhang Shaocheng without showing any timidity.

    When you have a sufficient position in the company, you will not be too afraid of anyone in the company, including shareholders or even the boss.

    Because everyone is relying on you.

    Yijia Yijia is supporting this with Bai Youming, it's really not a joke.

    Bai Youming has such qualifications. She can increase her contract treatment and threaten her contract termination because of her extraordinary position in this company.

    Before entering the conference room, Zhang Shaocheng had already told her about the situation.

    Therefore, Bai Youming's face is actually not very good.

    She glanced around at the shareholders. There were familiar and unpretentious ones, but everyone looked at her with indifference.

    Bai Youming sneered: "I am a part-timer. I never expect you to make a change in decision because of me."

    But at this point, she still blushed: "But I didn't expect you to be fair to the employees. I dare not."

    She pointed to Wen Shuo and asked those shareholders: "What is afraid of him? What is there to be afraid of? What has he done for the company during the year he took office?"

    Then she pointed to Lin Xian: "What about her? Have there been few incidents in the past year? Just because of the president’s words, everyone turned a blind eye. How many media doubts the company has faced this year, and how much criticism has it endured? But I You work hard in the company with trepidation, but you don’t even dare to say anything for me. Do you think I have nowhere to go? There are not many companies that come to me to negotiate contracts, but this is the first company I joined after graduating from university. !"

    Bai Youming's voice choked: "I can't bear it."

    Many shareholders here are not involved in the management of the company, and many of them sit in key positions in the company.

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