Chapter 41

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Chapter 41

    "The largest live broadcast room in the country."

    Lin Xian said like a joke. However, she was able to speak so casually. Such people are either too capable or too casual.

    Yuan Jishan doesn't think Lin Xian has such great ability, otherwise, why would she be in the entertainment industry?

    So, listening to the big pie drawn by Lin Xian, she seemed to hear a joke, so funny that she even forgot to get angry.

    She sat opposite Lin Xian, took a sip of the tea Lin Xian poured for her, and then leisurely said, "You say this now, you want to comfort me?"

    Other than that, she couldn't think of other possibilities.

    Lin Xian always had a smile on her face. She leaned on the back of the sofa and said: "You can think so too."

    Yuan Jishan snorted: "Do you know what you did in my live broadcast room? The materials exposed in my live broadcast room will make my live broadcast tomorrow be besieged by many fans."

    She endured and continued: "I am also a person in this circle. I don't believe you. But you want You know, in many cases, the truth does not mean justice. Can you control the next public opinion? "

    Public opinion orientation is sometimes not so easy.

    Lin Xian smiled slightly: "You don't have to worry about this. I don't take things in the circle very much."

    Yuan Jishan stayed: "...Huh?" You are a mixed entertainment industry, you said you don't care about it? What are you doing in the circle?

    Lin Xian turned to look at Yuan Jishan's office, and then faintly said, "I have been observing since I entered your studio. Your team is very united, and you have good control over the entire team. The live broadcast room is also good.

    Considered mature, the audience is relatively stable. The key is...your ambition is not small." Yuan Jishan pursed her lips. She did not expect Lin Xian to look around since she stepped into this apartment because she was observing her team. She thought Lin Xian was just grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden, looking blindly.

    But even if she is not Grandma Liu, this doesn't mean anything. A layperson like Lin Xian would not understand how difficult it is to do live broadcast.

    Yuan Jishan will set off from home at 5 noon every day, go to the company to choose products, try products, and then make-up to prepare for live broadcast, and then live broadcast until 11 o'clock at night. There is also a meeting to review the merits and demerits in today's live broadcast. By the time she returns home, it is already 3 o'clock in the morning.

    When you get home to wash, you have to make a little dressing, and you must be ready to rest. At this time, there is not much time left until the next time I go to work, and I am doing these things day after day.

    There is no entertainment, no leisure, not to mention eating meals.

    And even with such hard work, she can't make a lot of money every month.

    There are more than 40 people in her team, each with a salary of 10,000 yuan. Except for the salary, there is not much profit in her own pocket. In the meantime, the rent, expenses at a loss, etc. are all huge mountains, pressing her forward.

    The work was hard and tiring. She had already lost a house to come in. Whether she can survive in the future is still unknown.

    She has great ambitions, and the largest live broadcast room in the country is indeed her dream.

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