Chapter 57

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Chapter 57

    Xi Zifan's earliest recognition of Lin Xian was an idol from a talent show. He probably offended someone when he entered the circle. Therefore, there is always a bit of trouble along the way, which is regarded as a model of being hacked.

    At that time, Xi Zifan didn't know her, and knew very little about her.

    How many new people come in and out of the entertainment industry every year, and the less famous ones are like the crucian carp who crosses the river. He who is already at the top of the pyramid does not pay attention to such people at all.

    It will be a long process when these people climb up slowly and can be shoulder to shoulder with him.

    How many people become popular when they reach the age of 3 or 40?

    It has been in the entertainment industry for more than 10 or 20 years, and there are not a few that are still unknown.

    Maybe there will be one or two bursts of red traffic a year, but that kind of red is always imaginary. Many people are still popular this year, and will not even be able to receive the script next year.

    As far as Xi Fan is concerned, the popularity and support of fans are no longer the most important factors. Whether you can receive a good job depends on your own ability.

    Therefore, film is also an art.

    As long as you are not hacked by the whole network or even by passers-by, even if you have no fans, as long as you are good enough, you may receive a script for acting and become popular because of a role.

    Lin Xian was different, her red was based on a lawsuit, and the charges were cleared in one shot. It has attracted some attention in the fan circle and even in the society. It is not good to say that Xi Zifan's impression of this news is still seen from the social news page.

    And the cooperation between her and Ruan Zeming helped her consolidate her reputation in the fan circle.

    Along the way, Lin Xian's handling is bold and thrilling, but the ending is not bad every time.

    These are all information gathered by his agent from around when he knew he was about to work with a draft idol.

    It's neither good nor bad.

    Xi Zifan walked up to Li Wenqiang and listened to him, but his eyes still swept towards Lin Xian.

    No one has ever said that Lin Xian's acting skills are... so good.

    "What are you looking at?" Li Wen emphasized the voice of laughter, appearing abruptly in his ears.

    Xi Zifan retracted his gaze and said lightly: "It's nothing."

    Li Wenqiang laughed out: "We have worked on two works, so it's okay to talk about it. Are you surprised by her acting?"

    Xi Zifan squeezed. Mouth: "It's

    okay ... to say so." Li Wenqiang: "Hahaha, hey, who would say it is not? The four words'draft origin' are just a label." Thinking of my anger when I heard that someone walked through the back door, I can’t help but laugh at myself: “When I was auditioning, I also thought that someone who came out of the draft would want to make my film? Oh, I really think that Li Wenqiang is dead? But after all, I think it’s the biggest shareholder introduction. An audition quota is just too much. It took two minutes to meet someone. Before giving her an audition, I had already brushed her off in my heart. But..." At

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