Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

    After coming down from the stairs, Lin Xian clenched her fist and said with joy, "Looking back, I think these people are nothing terrible."

    "Host, pay attention to the image."

    "Cut." Lin Xian said. With his hands on the back of his head, he walked out and said casually: "No one here, besides, I don't care about the image."

    System 4637 was silent for a moment: "The host doesn't have to worry about those people. I will help you to see them later. , I discovered that the most threatening thing to you now is the Xi Ying you mentioned in the morning."

    "How do you compare to my previous opponent, Xi Ying?"

    4367 was silent for a moment, and asked: "Is it faster than death?"

    Lin Xian With a choke, I changed the subject: "...Let's not talk about her, let's talk about the main system! Are you sure we have gotten rid of the main system?"

    4637: "The main system has been conquered by a virus and has been paralyzed. So, we must have been. Get rid of it." This was something 4637 could not believe. Lin Xian led a team to destroy the main system.

    It summons this woman only because when it was created, it was given the mission of binding a human being.

    It chose Lin Xian because of her tragic life experience, desperate environment, and determination to face death. It believed that a person like Lin Xian must have exercised a will like steel.

    That's what Du Niang said.

    Facts proved that Du Niang was a lie, and she chose one-a coward.

    However... this "coward" is amazing.

    Lin Xian's growth was rapid, and while the gorgeous transformation amazed the System 4637, it also slowly convinced it.

    In 10 worlds, Lin Xian saved countless people. At the moment when everyone is surviving for themselves, Lin Xian's behavior is quite a white lotus.

    It is the system, and once said that Lin Xian's saving lives, in human terms, is called the "Mother of Mother" form.

    At that time, Lin Xian was able to laugh and say, "I have the ability to save people, so I save them. If I can preserve the little conscience, when I return to the original world, I... will still be me?"

    Everyone knows that after experiencing all kinds of extreme worlds, even if you live back, you can't be yourself.

    The same is true for Lin Xian, her character has changed from being solitary.

    Turning into one side that can be cold hands up and down the knife, on the other side can also be compassionate to give kindness.

    However, just because she was protecting the only light left in her heart, 4637 knew that she was still herself.

    Lin Xian moved the panel, looked at the 1 billion points on the bottom panel, and exclaimed: "I didn't expect it. The first thing I did when I came back was that I became rich."

    4637: "...These points can be exchanged a lot. It’s a waste of money to replace your items.”

    Lin Xian looked at the various props on the bottom panel, and said, “It’s a waste to change those props.”

    4637: "..." ㄒ-ㄒ

    "Hahahahaha, noon, Let’s go have a big meal first?"

    4637 was surprised again: "...Ah, can you? How can I eat?"

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