Chapter 67

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Chapter 67

    Tan Zongzhi took a bite of the Black Forest cake, and the sweet taste bloomed on the tip of his tongue, making him slowly squint. I have to sigh, it's so delicious.

    He really doesn't understand the rich world. After investigation, Lin Xian invests more than 10 kinds of industries, and 9 of them are crazy money-making.

    Nowadays, she has so much money that she can't spend it all, but Tan Zongzhi doesn't know how much money she has.

    Lin Xian on the opposite side leaned on the sofa, propped her head with one hand, and looked at the three men on the opposite side. She waited for them to finish their snacks.

    Tan Zongzhi finished the cake silently, and his two colleagues also finished eating at the same time.

    Lin Xian asked, "Is it delicious?"

    Tan Zongzhi coughed, then put the plate in his hand back on the table.

    He wiped his mouth, then adjusted his collar, then looked at Lin Xian pretending to be very serious and asked, "Do you have anything to say?"

    Lin Xian raised his eyebrows: "Should you not say it first? For example, Why are you here?"

    Tan Zongzhi, the plainclothes policeman who stopped Lin Xian's car in the morning. After listening to Lin Xian's words, she just scratched her face, and then smiled: "This is it! Actually, I just handed over it not long ago. Why don't you explain it yourself. For example... Tell me about the Pingxi Middle School?"

    Lin Xian Think about it for a moment, and then ask: "Why should I say this? Is it because I broke the law?"

    Tan Zongzhi: "..." Is this the key?

    There are two colleagues around Tan Zongzhi, one is Zhang Xun and the other is Fang Che. After hearing what Lin Xian said, she was also speechless.

    Zhang Xun's personality is silent, and he sits over there not talking from beginning to end. Fang Che, on the other hand, looked a little more lively. After hearing Lin Xian's words, he laughed and said, "If it's just a simple violation of the law, is it worth the three of us to come out and find you?"

    Lin Xian smiled, "It seems that you are not easy. Since it’s not about illegal matters, or that it’s not yours, then I really have nothing to explain."

    Tan Zongzhi choked, turned his head and looked at Fang Che, and said, "You still don't talk."

    Fang Che shut up aggrievedly, and then Tan Zongzhi looked at Lin Xian and said seriously: "Since we are here. I'm looking for you, so I won't let you play this trick. I hope you can understand that we are not malicious in being here."

    Lin Xian: "Let's just spread it out! I also believe that since you are here, naturally you know. That’s a lot. I did investigate the things about Pingxi, so what? This is an unlawful behavior, why did the three of you come here?"

    Tan Zongzhi heard this, and felt calm, although he took over. At that time, it was said that it would be stable. However, when Tan Zongzhi looked at it as a whole, he felt that it was very virtual.

    After all, Lin Xian was still an 18-line actress who was hacked a year ago. It's really not like it, it's the person he is looking for.

    But Lin Xian's current words let him know that his direction is right, so he asked: "You checked it yourself? According to my investigation, you don't have this ability."

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