Chapter 51

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Chapter 51

    On the day Lin Xian finished packing his luggage, the results of Lin Fei and Lin Feng also came out.

    Lin Fikao's is good, it can be a regular one. The most surprising thing was Lin Feng, whose grades were almost full marks.

    Lin Xian was shocked at the time and looked up and down Lin Feng and said, "I didn't see it! Mom called me every day and said that you were not in class. With this grade, no school has any problems."

    Lin Feng blushed. He lowered his head and said, "The high

    school entrance examination is nothing." Lin Xuezhu Xian: "..."

    Lin Xian was rarely choked by her brother, so she patted her brother on the shoulder and said, "There is a future, study hard, my sister confessed. You go to Capital University."

    Lin Feng blushed again and said, "You may not pass the exam."

    Lin Xian smiled... and quite confident.


    Before filling in the volunteers, Lin Fei received a notice from the school and he needs to sign at the school. At the same time, the head teacher will tell you about the school's registration matters and the matters needing attention when filling in.

    Lin Fei was in a pretty good mood while wearing the new pink dress Lin Xian bought that day.

    Before going out, Sun Manhua suddenly called Lin Fei: "Do you need a parent to accompany you?"

    Lin Fei shook her head: "The teacher did not say."

    Sun Manhua turned to Lin Xian and said, "You accompany her!"

    Lin Fei: "... …No, I mean it’s not necessary.” After all, they are all 18 years old, and they are considered adults. When going to school to sign a name, what is the need for a parent to accompany you?

    Sun Manhua smiled and said: "It's okay to fill in such a big thing, your sister will accompany you to take a look."

    Sun Manhua rarely insists on one thing, and Lin Xian agreed: "Okay! It happens to be my alma mater. It's been a long time since I went back to see it."

    Lin Xian said so, and Lin Fei had no reason to refuse. Therefore, I can only keep up with my sister's pace.

    Lin Xian went out, naturally how comfortable he came, Lin Fei has been numb to the days of walking around in luxurious Didi.

    Because it was summer vacation, there were no people in the school, only the students who took the college entrance examination this year were recalled to sign. Many people who live far away have not come back, so the school is still very quiet at this time.

    It is true that Lin Xian has not returned to his alma mater for a long time. Therefore, walking on the campus that has undergone tremendous changes, she was full of emotions in her heart.

    Lin Fei's class meeting was in a multimedia conference room on the 4th floor of the Teacher Building. When Lin Fei entered, many students had already arrived.

    Most of the students came alone, only a few accompanied by their parents.

    Probably because this school is in a township, many parents are tired of making money every day, and they do not value their children's studies as much as they do in the city.

    Seeing Lin Xian following Lin Fei generously, the head teacher was obviously taken aback.

    Lin Fei's head teacher is a slightly fat middle-aged woman, about 50 years old, with long hair neatly scratched behind her head, looking very serious.

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